Introduction to the Player's Guide in Honarth | World Anvil
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Introduction to the Player's Guide

Introduction to the Player's Guide

Welcome to Honarth, a sci-fi RPG campaign setting where adventure and intrigue awaits you. Honarth is a planet located in a desolate part of space, where humans and Cadonians live in peace and prosperity. Despite a democratic government, politicians are corrupted by large corporations, and the planet is ruled by two corporations who are in a cold war for control of the valuable mineral, Elerium. With advanced technology and biomedical engineering, Honarth is a world full of possibilities.  

Character Creation

When creating your character, you have the option to play as a Human, Cadonian, or Droid species. Each species has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and the People of Honarth factions further define your character's background and story.   In addition to species, players can choose from three main class categories: Brawn, Utility, or Expert. Brawn classes are focused on muscle and combat training, while Utility classes are suited for infiltrators, spies, and scouts. Expert classes include scholars, politicians, engineers, and scientists.   The options for customization are endless, and the decision you make in character creation will determine your journey in the world of Honarth.   We hope you are excited for your new adventures in the world of Honarth. With a unique blend of sci-fi, politics and tribal mystery, the world of Honarth offers a unique experience that you will not find anywhere else. Get ready to take on the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and experience the thrill of adventure in Honarth!
Player Handbook cover

Table of Contents


Player's Guide

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