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Tribes of Honarth

Here are a few tribes that are still spread out on Honarth. In parenthesis you can find the name of their biggest town and estimated population
  • Elsu (Miwok - 32.000)
  • Ohanzee (Sioux - 8.000)*
  • Kusinut (Yakima - 43.000)
  • Mahpee (Sioux 17.000)*
  • Gomda (Kiowa - unknown)**
  • Ouray (Ute - 58.000)
* The Ohanzee and Mahpee tribes while merged and cohabitating still keep their separate traditions alive.
** The most isolationist tribe currently known. Not much is known. No approach status quo.     In the world of Honarth, there are several different tribes of people who live in harmony with nature and technology, carving a more traditional path. These tribes are scattered throughout the planet, each with its own unique culture, customs, and way of life. They are known for their use of natural or "primitive" tools and weapons, traditional ceremonies and festivities, and for being the last of the beast hunters on Honarth.  


The tribes of Honarth are a diverse group of people, each with its own unique culture, customs, and way of life. They are known for their deep connection to the natural world and their use of natural or "primitive" tools and weapons. They also have traditional ceremonies and festivities that are important to their culture. They are the last of the beast hunters on Honarth, hunting the remaining wild animals that still roam the planet. They are also known for their use of technology, but it is often in a way that complements their traditional way of life rather than replacing it.  


The tribes are not a centralized or organized group. Each tribe is autonomous and governed by its own leaders and customs. They have little contact with the rest of Honarth society, preferring to keep to themselves and maintain their traditional way of life.  


The tribes have a complex relationship with the other factions of Honarth. They are often seen as primitive or backward by the rest of society, and are often ignored or dismissed by the powerful factions that control the world. They are often targeted by the dwellers and scum, who see them as easy targets for exploitation or robbery. They are also often viewed with suspicion by the Gifters and the Faceless, who see them as a potential threat to their way of life.  


The tribes have limited resources and rely on hunting, gathering, and trading with each other for survival. They also have a deep understanding of the natural world and are able to make use of the resources it provides.  

For Game Masters


Notable NPCs associated with the tribes include tribal leaders, hunters, and medicine men or women.  

Adventure Hooks

  • The player characters are hired to help a tribe defend against raiders or bandits who are threatening their way of life.
  • The player characters are asked to help a tribe mediate a dispute with a neighboring tribe or community.
  • A player character discovers a powerful secret or technology that could help the tribe survive in the face of outside threats, and must navigate the complexities of introducing it to their traditional way of life without disrupting it.
  • A tribe leader requests the players help to negotiate a deal with one of the Mega Corporations to extract the valuable mineral Elerium from their land in a mutually beneficial way.
  • A member of the tribe has been kidnapped or taken by force by a rival tribe or criminal organization, and the players are tasked with rescuing them and bringing them back safely.

Points of Interest for Players

  • Exploring the unique culture, customs, and way of life of the tribes and learning about their relationship with nature and technology.
  • Interacting with the tribes and understanding their perspectives on the world and their place in it.
  • Helping the tribes navigate the challenges and threats of the outside world and preserving their traditional way of life.
  • Creating a character with a background or connection to the tribes and their way of life.
  As Game Masters, it's important to remember that the tribes of Honarth are not a monolithic group, and each tribe may have its own unique culture, customs, and way of life. They can provide a wealth of opportunities for adventure hooks and quest lines, as well as adding depth and complexity to the game world. They also offer a chance to explore themes of tradition versus progress, and the relationship between humans and nature. The tribes can be a fascinating and dynamic addition to any RPG game set in Honarth.

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