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Black Star (Chicken)

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Tiny beast, unaligned
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 1
Speed 30ft Fly: 20ft

3 -4
10 0
8 -1
2 -4
12 +1
4 -3

Senses Passive Perception 11

Eggs. Once per day, the chicken lays 1 egg. Eggs may be eaten, or left under the chicken. When there are 12 eggs, the chicken stops laying eggs for 21 days. IF there is a fertile rooster among her; At the end of 21 days, they hatch, and emerge as chicks. A dozen eggs, or a single chicken, can typically sustain one humanoid for one day.   Clumsy Flyer. A chicken cannot sustain flight for more than one turn.


Chickens are largely non-threatening. Chickens are more likely to be found on a farm than in a dungeon. Chickens are descended from colorful jungle fowl, and can successfully adapt to a feral lifestyle if removed from domestication. They range in colors from white, brown, and yellow though most chickens are a mix of those colors rarely being a single one color.


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