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Shanfei S. Shintou

An arrogant selfish fighter who spare no mercy on the poor and unfortunate. He saw them as exploitable and did so without a hint of shame. "It was misfortune of their making after all" -he thought. His name was Zhan Feyshin. He was a young lad with a conquerors heart and spirit born into a middle class family. From a very young age he saw the world as "might makes right" attitude and acted like it. Later in life he joined into a bandit group that grew into a big raiding party and was a big menace at the time on the area. For years they pillaged and raided to grew their riches and steal from the poor. Zhan even "found" himself a wife whom with he had a child with. However his life philosophy could only carry him so far in life as his life as a villain would come to a sudden stop. Their bandit leader had grown old and weary over the years and longed for a simpler more stable life. As such he sold out rest of his subjects to be jailed and hanged for local lord of the land for his own pardon. Betrayed and helpless Zhan was locked away in a cold cell waiting for his death. All of his might and ambition robbed from him as he had done to others countless times. And soon, also his life would be taken from him. But then as the final day was near it's dawn a lucky happenstance would happen. One of the prison stones came off loose as a mole was trying to make a home underneath the prison walls! Starving as he was he could easily wriggle himself through the small hole that the loose rock had left to the wall. He had escaped, but not without scars of betrayal. His loyal companions had sold him out merely because he was more poorer and unfortunate than them. Had he no respect? No consideration for his companions at all? Perhaps he was the same after. Well at least he would have his family waiting for him. Yet... returning to his camp he found a rather cruel reality. Zhans wife had took all of his possessions and remarried to a guard who had kept him in prison. He had nothing. His mind in shatters and pride broken. He became a vagabond. This was the death of Zhan Feyshin.

Later in life this nameless homeless man was captured by a fiendish subjugator named Sir Kipling. He was a cruel master and forced him to work on his colony as a slave. The nameless man whined and complained, but as his soul was empty he really didn't care either way. What'd be the difference between dying in the gutter or as a slave? However... Little did he know this new "workforce enrollment" gave him a sense he never had before. A purpose.

A humble considerate monk who respects the poor and unfortunate. He saw them as misfortunate souls and wanted to help them to raise to their feet as he had once did. To fill their hearts with purpose and make them be able to be self sufficient and free. That was his purpose. His name was Shanfei S. Shintou.
Current Status
Lv10 Way Of The Open Hand Monk
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