
The Bulldog is an Armored Personnel Carrier that has the capability to be configured as a light tank, with a significant punch to provide heavy combat capability.   

Bulldog Vehicle Stats


Mechanics & Inner Workings

Electric-Motor The Bulldog still uses an electric motor to provide the drive required for the vehicle.    Hydro-Electric Power Cells provide the power source for the Bulldog engines and electronic sensor suite. Power cells require servicing every 2 years to replace the catalysts and distilled water requires routinely replacing.    Chromatic Paint on the vehicle allows the camouflage patterning to be changed at the operators will to suit different environments.   Weapon Mounts The Bulldog has a light turret mount fitted above the cockpit, designed to handle crew weapons such as heavy machine guns. A heavy turret mount fitted above the cabin. The heavy turret mount is designed to take a heavy railgun and automatic ammo feed mechanism.


The Bulldog was designed and built entirely on Horizon by the Argus Collective after the Gateway collapse for its mil-sec division. Argus Collective wanted vehicles with expanded armor, sensor capability and weapons mounts, as it considered most of the existing Horizon transports unsuitable for its expansionist policies.

The Bulldog has a heavily reinforced armor plating, sealed cockpit and cabin areas to protect its crew of 2 and up to a fully armed and outfitted 10 man combat team. Uprated suspension systems and engine allowing the Bulldog to get in and out of target zones under fire, rapidly.

8m x 3m x 3m
Base Price