SE06 : EP19 - Tangled Roots Part IV Report in Horizon | World Anvil
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SE06 : EP19 - Tangled Roots Part IV

General Summary

The party looks at the guards. Kellisan begins, "We didn't expect anyone out this far." The guards nod, "We are a special group that is out here to look out for..." A loud horn sounds, "...Like that." They leave their post with haste.   Ghostly figures manifest at the end of camp, just out from the bridge. The party charges into battle. They fell the wraiths through storm, sword, claw, and magic. After catching their breath, they meet the captain here, Atoi. The guards share a meal with the party. They talk of the dragon and what lies beyond the fog that surrounds the island. They also point out some points of interest around the island. A massive swamp called Sorrow's Zennieth crisscrossed with trails called the weeping paths. To the west is the landing of another sky bridge, "Hope's Dagger." The east is dominated by the massive tree they saw on the way in. In the descending gloom, they decide to camp for the night.   Light filters through the island's miasma. The party sets off into the swamp. After an hour or so trip into the murk, a fire-scarred Treeant crosses their path. "Why? Why did you burn down my home?" Two more shudders to life. As they are surrounded and Daphyx steps in to calm them down. He explains their goal is to eliminate the corruption the trees blame on humanoids. They study the druid and, in the end, give him stead. They return to their places, and their movement stops.   As they continue on, they begin to hear intrusive voices. The whisper of the wind echoes through the reeds. "How did you die?" Each other party member must face this call to death's sting.


Kellasin Leafstrider
Lord Daphix
Cornelius Lamont Corvacus
Report Date
31 Jul 2023


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