Cragmaw Hideout Building / Landmark in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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Cragmaw Hideout

The Cragmaw Hideout is a base for the Cragmaw tribe of goblins in the Sword Coast North near Phandalin.  They were led by the bugbear, Klarg and his second-in-command, Yeemik. But after the Hottraulers came through rescuing Sildar Hallwinter and killing Yeemik, and Klarg fleeing the cave, the party left the tribe in the hands of a goblin named Thrippet that the party had befriended.   Klarg was a lieutenant of King Grol, the leader of the Cragmaw tribe of goblins operating in the Neverwinter Wood and the Triboar Trail.
Room, Natural, Cavern
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