Dragon Barrow Building / Landmark in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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Dragon Barrow

The barrow is roughly 40 miles northwest of Phandalin, amid the rolling hills and grasslands between the High Road and Neverwinter Wood. A thirty-foot-high hill, its top too flat to be a natural occurrence. Jutting from the grassy hilltop is a row of ten-foot-tall, bone-white rocks that arc toward the stormy sky like outstretched talons. After some inspection the rocks were found to be the spine of the dragon. One was removed and inside was found a Lady Alagondar's tomb.


Lady Tanamere Alagondar was a royal scion of Neverwinter more than a century ago. Along with two parties of adventurers, she fought and killed Azdraka, a green dragon that had long terrorized the High Road. Lady Alagondar died in the battle and was laid to rest beneath a barrow near where the dragon fell. The remains of her fallen compatriots and the corpse of Azdraka were sealed in the barrow with her, in accordance with Lady Alagondar’s dying wishes.
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