Glasstaff / Iarno Albrek Character in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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Glasstaff / Iarno Albrek

After questioning several locals, Sildar Hallwinter learned that larno Albrek, a fellow member of the The Lords' Alliance, disappeared while exploring the area around Tresendar Manor about two months ago, shortly after arriving in Phandalin. Sildar asked the party to investigate the manor and the surrounding area to find and bring back larno, or what might have been left of him. Sildar described larno as "a short, dark- bearded human wizard in his thirties."   Unknown to Sildar, larno was working for someone called The Black Spider, and had created The Redbrands, installed himself as their leader, and took the alias Glasstaff to conceal his identity. (The Redbrands call him that because he carries a glass staff.) Once the party captured larno he was taken to Sildar, who through the wizard in the town jail ready to be transported to Neverwinter to face the judgment of a higher authority.

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