The Forge of Spells Myth in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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The Forge of Spells

The Forge of Spells was said to be a great forge built by the humans, dwarves and gnomes of the Phandlever's Pact. The forge of spells was able to channel the magic of Wave Echo Cave to enchant weapons and armour.   According to legend, when it was initially built in the 10th century DR, the powerful forge had the capability of permanently enchanting items, including weapons and armour. However, in the Year of the Empty Hourglass, 951 DR, an orcish assault ravaged the forge and its inhabitants. Though the gnome and dwarf smiths and the human mages tried to repel the horde, they were cut down.   Both the Forge and the Wave Echo Cave are said to have been lost ever since.
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