Venomfang Character in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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The dragon Venomfang had taken the ruins of Thundertree as her new home.   After the party stole her treasure the dragon Venomfang tracked them back to Phandalin. She destroyed the Stonehill Inn, killing Toblen Stonehill inside, and demanded that hence forth they would venture out and claim treasures to bring back to her.   When Venomfang arrived to collect her treasure the party slew her in battle. Before dying Venomfang revealed that she had made a deal with Halia to kill them, and that they were fools for trusting her. Faldor chopped off her head.
Year of Death
1491 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the adventurer's in the ruins near Phandalin
Ruled Locations

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