Bubble Elephant

The Bubble Elephants are the true owners of the Heavenly Kingdom. Their Bubble technology made them great. It gave them power. It helped them build themselves up even higher into the sky.   So why did they fall?
They never did.
Of course. The Bubble Elephants have always lived here. Throughout the ages their innovation and prosperity has only grown. The Heavens are theirs, and theirs alone.   So what happened when the Tapir appeared?  
Where am I?
Prose | Dec 17, 2023

The arrogance of one.
One Bubble Elephant, the most prominent scientist of the age, wanted more. His one wish was for all to see him as their god. So he created artificial minds, gave them bodies, and set them on his own people.   He thought he'd taken over. He was wrong.

The voices of many.
It appeared out of nowhere one day, this Song. The Bubble Elephants' greatest scientists made it their mission to study the strange machine. What intrigued them the most was the voices. What were they saying?   Little did they know that speech holds power. And if handled the wrong way, the Song could turn that power against them.


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