Character Classes: Freelancers (Family, Warrior Order) in Hubworld | World Anvil
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Character Classes: Freelancers (Family, Warrior Order)

There are two groups of Freelancers:   The Freelance Warrior fights for profit, adventure, or any motive at all. Fighters are as described in Players Handbook and do not require an apprenticeship. Bushi are as described in Oriental Adventures except that they must undergo a Martialist or Stealthist apprenticeship. Wokou are adapted from the Oriental Adventures entry on "Wako". They are pirate-warriors similar to Bushi, but more thieving and less honourable. They differ from Pirates in that they are fiercer fighters though less agile.   The Weapon Master is devoted to becoming the best at their art and seeks combat for that purpose above all. Kensai are described in Oriental Adventures. They remain unchanged except that they require both a Martialist and Purist apprenticeship. Gunslingers have similar abilities and commitments to Kensai and Bushi but adapted for gunpowder weapons and duels. Any two apprenticeship types can be undertaken to qualify for the Gunslinger class.

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