Playable Races: Dour Elves Species in Hubworld | World Anvil
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Playable Races: Dour Elves

Dour Elves   The Dour Elves were created when the gods magically combined different races of Ancient Elves with various other creatures to fight on their behalf in the War Against the Newmans (which the gods lost, compelling them to leave Hubworld for the outer planes of existence; this was approximately 12,000 years ago). In the time since they were abandoned by the gods who created them, the Dour Elves have found a variety of niches for themselves in the world, some carrying on their devotion to the gods who spawned them, some developing along a different path. Unlike most non-humans, several Dour Elf races are able to breed with one another, but the offspring will not be a hybrid, it will be one or the other of the parent races. Also unlike most playable non-human races, Dour Elves are sharply differentiated by sex, except for the Jovians, who have no sex at all. Dour Elves are so named because of the harsh dispositions they tend to hold in contrast to their Pixish kin.   Dianan:   The Dianans are mostly Druids, Rangers, Shamans, and Mounted Archers and live in scattered bands, each of which devotes itself to protecting the ecosystem it inhabits. Other than having citrus green skin, they look just like Martians and Minervans—a big-boned version of the High Elf—and are between the two in average height (5’5”). Like Venusians, they maintain a matriarchal society, but unlike their cousins, most Dianans do not even keep men as slaves. Rather, when they desire offspring, they travel to Salumattu (The Golden City) to meet up with Minervans who have come there for the same purpose. A Dianan will take a variety of partners until she senses she is pregnant (an ability all Dour Elves have). Female offspring are raised as Dianans; males are abandoned in a forest clearing, where they either perish and are deemed a sacrifice to the goddesses, or are adopted by woodsfolk such as Sylvan Elves, Centaurs, or Satyrs. Surviving male offspring of Dianans are Sylvan Elves for all practical gaming purposes but look identical to Minervans except for their skin tone. Sometimes a Dianan child will be found by a Martian peasant or soldier. Finding a Dianan boy is considered a blessing from the gods and the child is raised among nobles and groomed to be a Lawful Neutral Ranger in service of the Empire. There is a tribe of Dianans (the Pakheti) in the Spider Jungle that maintains a population of males as servants and studs. They treat them kindly, but do not educate them. Dianans may be Neutral or Neutral Good, though adopted males may be raised Lawful Neutral. Unlike most Dour Elves, Dianans do not all have psionic powers. Exceptional Dianans who do demonstrate psionic potential are compelled to become Oracles if raised by either Dianans or Martians. The resemblance of Dianans, Martians, and Minervans is attributable to their common Goldadam ancestry. In the case of the Dianans, they were formed through the fusion of Goldadam and Green Elf.   Jovian:   The Jovians are sexless immortals concentrated in three populations. Most Jovians live in Alfheim among the Snow Elves, aiding them in their esoteric interdimensional psychic wars. There is also a council of Jovians in the court of the Cabbage King, and a population that has established its own quarter in Salumattu. The Jovian councils are dedicated to preserving a degree of order in the world, mainly for the sake of protecting intelligent life from monstrous threats. Although their mission sometimes overlaps that of the Druids, there is a significant difference in the sort of lifeforms that get prioritised for protection. Druids hold a cynical view of tool-users and wouldn’t necessarily support the survival of an Elf over a wolf. Jovians value civilization and any technology that can improve life for thinking creatures. Jovian Sages are, however, like Druids in that they tend to send agents out on their behalf, recruiting Paladins, Rangers, Detectives, and Freelancers from among any of the playable races in Hubworld. Despite their lawfulness and long view of time, disagreements occur among the Jovians and an individual might break with hir council and set out on hir own mission. Jovians are short, ranging between 3.5’ and 5’. Their disproportionally large heads and bulbous features are reminiscent of Gnomes, being a chimerical fusion of Gnomes and Snow Elves, but they have the pointed ears common to all Elves and blue skin. Like Gnomes, the appearance of Jovians inclines humans to refer to them as masculine. Elvish has a word or phrase for just about every possible gender/sex permutation, so this isn’t a problem among their cousins (most Elves use the word for “Gnome-sexed” to refer to the Jovian gender, but it technically has its own term). Most Jovians are virtually hairless, but what hair they have is white. Adventuring Jovians are almost always Sages. All Jovians have innate psionic ability. Jovian characters are always of Ancient age.   Martian:   Created through the fusion of Svartalfs and Goldadams, the Martians are the most populous and organised subrace of Dour Elf, and after High Elves, the world’s second most common Elf type. They are the most warlike and the most rigid of any Elfin race, regarding all others frivolous and decadent. The Martian Empire makes some allowances for decadence because it has been shown that permitting some vice helps maintain social control, but the freedoms one enjoys within the Empire depend on one’s race. Martian males enjoy the full rights of citizenship and the privilege of opting out of non-military labour if they choose (all Martian men must serve time in the army). Martian females possess most of the same rights as their male counterparts but cannot hold public offices or command posts within the military (though they may join the army as specialists). Martian Elves are meticulously obsessed with property and genealogy and enforce monogamous marriage to keep such matters orderly. Most other Elfin races and Half-Elves are formally afforded the same rights as Martians, but in practice will face significant discrimination. The “Free Rabble” are the non-Elfin races who make up the unindentured urban workforce, the rural peasantry, and a small middle class: Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes. The Empire also makes use of a large slave population of Plutonites, Svartalfs, Half-Orcs, and Orcs. Martian adventurers are usually Knight-classed and are either Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral. They are one of the two Dour Elf types that lacks innate psionic ability, although it is found in exceptional individuals. The Martian Empire extends from the north face of the North Crescent mountains at its southern limit to Roger’s Moors and the edge of the Plainchillain in the north, and from the Spinal mountains in the east all the way to the Higher Seas shore, although there are swaths of wilderness within this claimed territory that the Empire has not been able to tame. Almost any Martian on a quest will be working in service of the Empire. A rare Martian comes to find the rigidity tiresome and sets out as a mercenary or treasure-hunter. Some Martian dissidents or criminals flee the Empire to escape the wrath of the law, and court intrigue occasionally forces a noble or official into exile. Renegade Martians are valued by monarchs as soldiers and officers, though they are shunned anywhere that other Elfin races have a strong social influence. The most common places for exiled Martians to look for work are in Vaqueria (where there are practically no other Elves) and the port of Dunpor (where no race forms a majority). Martians can be described as either stout Elves (5’ tall but considerably heavier than High Elves) or pointy-eared humans. They have a brownish-red complexion.   Minervan:   The Minervans were created when a goddess chose Snow Elves and Goldadams as the progenitors of her champion race. Minervans are little more pleasant than Martians, but they tend to be altruistic and pacifistic when possible. They make their home in a string of monastic villages in the Golden Ray mountain range, separating the eastern plains and jungles from the Golden Desert. Minervans are raised to be highly erudite as well as physically conditioned. They host travelers seeking to study under their Monks and Sages, and they find employment in the surrounding kingdoms as teachers and advisors. Minervans frown upon outbursts of passion and only become sexual every eightieth year from age 80-480. During this period (known as “Phileptos”), the only time in Minervan society that the sexes behave differently, Minervan males seek to have as much sex as possible, preferably with as many people as possible (either sex will ease the hunger). Females, on the other hand, are highly selective and may even end up in combat with one another if two have selected the same male. Once they have chosen their partner, they will endeavour to keep them to themselves until they become pregnant, at which point they lose their appetite. They then invite the male to leave and ride out his Phileptos elsewhere, which is when many males will set off for Salumattu to meet up with some Dianans. Females who do not become pregnant, and all males regardless of success, experience Phileptos for three moon-cycles, after which it subsides for another eighty years. With the exception of their Chaotic Neutral bouts of Phileptos, Minervans are Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral in alignment and tend to be Monks, Sages, Bards, and Shukenja. Minervans have innate psionic ability. They appear much the same as Martians and Dianans but tend to be taller than either (up to 6.5’) and of a yellow-brown complexion.   Neptunite:   Descended from Green Elves and Silveradams, the Neptunites are basically identical with the Aquatic Elves described in Monster Manual I. Although they can be found all over the world leading simple foraging lives, there is at least one powerful Neptunite king deep in the Ocean Endless. If there is an extensive Neptunite civilization on the sea floor, it has had little reason to interact with the surface world thus far. Neptunites favour the Submariner class. Neptunites are inherently capable of psionics.   Plutonite:   Abandoned by their indifferent creator and doomed as an entire race to servitude within the Martian Empire, Plutonite adventurers are often either escaped slaves or servants of another character. They are tall for Elves, averaging 6.5’, and homely for Elves, being an Orc-Elf hybrid, with skin tones ranging from indigo to dark purple. Over their centuries of servitude, the Plutonites have built a literal underground society, with several cavernous cities throughout the Empire, connected by vast networks of tunnels. The Martians hear rumours of such a thing but tend to dismiss it as legend. Among outsiders who know of the underground cities, there is confusion as to why the Plutonites haven’t freed the slaves on the surface and brought them to live underearth. The three top theories are 1) that Plutonite and Martian society are symbiotic, the Martians depending on Plutonite labour, and the Plutonites using technology, materials, and even currency from the surface to run their society, 2) that slaves find the uncertainty of the freer but considerably more dangerous Plutonite cities too frightening and return to the surface, and 3) that they have A Plan. Non-Martian Elves also tend to treat Plutonites poorly, being chauvinistic in their beauty standards and very disdainful of the ugly. Humans and Dwarves, however, value the cunning, efficiency, and loyalty of free Plutonites and will employ them as advisors, assassins, or elite guards. Plutonites can choose many classes but excel as Stalkers. Though they usually align Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil, many Plutonites have compassionate inclinations toward the oppressed. There are other very interesting details about the Plutonites that the Martians don’t know, but a Plutonite player would learn.   Venusian:   There are three regions occupied by Venusians. One is the Golden Desert, where the Astarti tribe intercepts travelers to and from Salumattu, robs them, rapes them, and often eats them. The Kadeshi tribe resides in the Southern Crescent mountains, at the northern limit of the Spider Jungle and conducts raids on both the jungle and desert sides of the mountain range. The third population of Venusians is spread among the Iron Chain islands, separating the Highish Sea from the Simmering Sea. Formed from the union of Green Elves and Svartalfs by a particularly unstable goddess, the Venusian race is aggressive, cruel, hedonistic, vain, and unpredictable. It is cannibalistic and harshly matriarchal, maintaining a male chattel population for servitude and food. Venusian females may mate with any other Dour Elf, but the result will always be Venusian. Venusian males are near-mindless, docile creatures incapable of consent, but able to follow basic commands. Technically, males can also mate with other Dour Elves, the result always being the same race as that Elf. Venusian females do not age and are presumed to be immortal like Jovians, but males have lifespans barely longer than a Newman’s. The combination of immortality and fertility might be a recipe for overpopulation, were it not for the fact that baby flesh is considered particularly tasty. Venusians favour such classes as Magic-User, Illusionist, Shaman, Mounted Archer, and Pirate. They can change their skin tone and hair colour at will, but default to dark pink skin and various shades of purple hair. Regardless of her actual age, a Venusian character is considered to be in the “Mature” age category.   Mercurian:   The 2’-tall Mercurians are described in Monster Manual II under “Quickling,” and are only playable as a monster character. Rather than descending from mutated Brownies, as suggested in MMII, Mercurians are the result of crossing Snow Elves with Svartalfs. They live in small bands in warm forests and jungles throughout the world and are generally nasty.     ALIGNMENT   Dianan: Neutral Good, Neutral   Jovian: Lawful Good, Neutral Good   Martian: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral   Minervan: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good   Neptunite: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral   Plutonite: Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil   Venusian: Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil   Mercurian: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Adolescent Young Adult Mature Middle Aged Old Venerable Ancient
Dianan 18-37 38-75 36-250 251-400 401-550 551-675 676+
Jovian unplayable unplayable unplayable unplayable unplayable unplayable 2001+
Martian 25-49 50-137 138-225 226-437 438-600 601-800 801+
Minervan 37-74 75-125 126-325 326-500 501-750 751-1000 1001+
Neptunite 37-74 75-150 151-450 451-700 701-1000 1001-1200 1201+
Plutonite 25-49 50-100 101-400 401-600 601-800 801-1000 1001+
Venusian na na any na na na na
Mercurian unplayable 1 2-5 6-9 10-11 12-14 15

Dietary Needs and Habits

All Dour Elves are omnivorous, but most Minervans eschew meat for religious reasons. Venusians thrive mostly on meat and will eat anybody, including members of their own race.   Like other Elves, Dour Elves are able to substitute alcohol or vinegar for water.

Biological Cycle

Effects of age:   Adolescent: (-1 Wis,-1 Con,-1(2 steps) Str)/year under 14, human equivalent,these points are gained each year until the character comes of age   Young Adult: -1 Wis,+1 Con (to stats if starting as YA +1 Wis,+2 Con,+1 Str(3 steps) (if aging from Adolescent)   Mature: +1(3 steps) Str,+1 Wis; (also-1 Con if aging from Young Adult)   Middle Age: -1 Str (-2 steps),-1 Con,+1 Int,+1 Wis   Old: -2 Str (-3 steps),-2 Dex,-1 Con,+1 Wis   Venerable: -1 Str,-1 Dex,+1 Int,+1 Wis   Ancient: +1 Int,+2 Wis,-2 Dex,-3 Str,-4 Con,+1 Cha

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dianan: Spinal Mountains, Golden Plains, The Black Sink, Diana's Refuge   Jovian: Alfheim, The Vale of Kale, Salumattu   Martian: Martian Empire, Vaqueria   Minervan: Minervia   Neptunite: High Seas, Simmering Sea, Hubbish Sea, Great Southern Sea, Venial Straits, Ocean Endless   Plutonite: Martian Empire, Underearth   Venusian: Golden Desert, Southern Crescent Mountains, Iron Chain Islands   Mercurian: Spider Jungle, Diamond Jungle, Chijiplum, Baghajaray, Kingdom of the Snake

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Infravision (120' Plutonite, Neptunite, Mercurian, 60' others), Spot concealed or secret doors (Martian, Plutonite), Spot or evade traps (Dianan), Detect invisibility (Jovian, Neptunite), Know alignment (Venusian), Detect harmony (Minervan), Inherent psionic ability (all except Martians, Dianans, Mercurians)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

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