Regions of Hubworld: The Hub Geographic Location in Hubworld | World Anvil
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Regions of Hubworld: The Hub

The Hubbish Sea and adjacent shores are collectively known as “The Hub.” The Higher Seas connect to the Hubbish sea between the northwest tip of Wadwala and the Knob of Hobbs. To the southeast, the Hubbish sea connect to the Great Southern Sea via the strait between Tricorn Island and Ajaria. It connects to the Ocean Endless via the long Venial Straits separating Shouln from Baghadeesh.   The southern portion of the Hub consists of a thin habitable strip of merchant ports and fishing villages, behind which the expansive Bicratus desert reaches southward to the Southern Crescent mountain range. The northeast part of Wadwala is nourished by several rivers pouring in from Jaraia, and desert alternates with wooded valleys and farmland. The Ajarian Kingdom situated here is the only Wadwalan civilization extant north of the Crescent.   The Hubbish Sea’s north and northwest shores are home to several city-states sharing a common culture. The Gaeans who occupy these cities and the surrounding countryside have the second-highest ratio of Goldadams to Newmans of any culture in the world.   Tricorn Island sits near the juncture of the Hubbish, North-Eastern, and South-Eastern regions and is home to three closely related Babalene societies with diverse internal factions.   The Kingdom of Urana controls Bubble Island, which sits between Tricorn Island and the North Shore.   In the middle of the Hubbish Sea, and middle of the world, is an island consisting of a huge single mountain with a crater for a cap. Known as “Hub Mountain” to most, but referred to as “Dwarf Mountain” by Dwarves, Gnomes, and the older Goldadam generation, this mound houses a multi-level city-state.

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