South Region: The Kingdom of Diamonds Organization in Hubworld | World Anvil
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South Region: The Kingdom of Diamonds

The entire inhabitable west coast of Wadwala, from the South Crescent to the edge of the Lavalands is claimed by the King of Diamonds. The kingdom also lays claim to the Emerald Forest surrounding the royal city of Smaragdu, but the extent of its reach into the forest is undefined. There are entire tribes living in this region who would be surprised to learn they had a king. The southwestern coastal area of the King’s claimed territory is also claimed by the Mino Collective. He has recently taken to pretending they don’t exist as every time he sends soldiers to fight them, those that survive end up joining the Collective. Smaragdu is a wealthy city where the weather is always fair and the king is generous. No one in the city goes hungry. In fact, it’s one of the few cities in the world where obesity is more of a concern than poverty. There are three pillars to the Kingdom’s bounty: 1) the forest is overflowing with edible fruit, 2) mineral wealth and proximity to the Iron Chain islands allows the kingdom to buy luxuries from abroad, and 3) the king’s elite fighting force, the N’Nomniton, hunt game so monstrously big, the kingdom has taken to exporting preserved meats to rid itself of the excess.   Conditions outside the city would be almost as nice were it not for the king’s habit of enslaving freefolk to work the mines.   Races: Human, Green Elf, Vanara (Ozod, Kivili)   Common Tongue: Chibo   Classes: N’Nonmiton, Fighter, Ranger, Sea Shepherd, Survivalist, Mariner, Ohia, Islander, Griot, Shamanic Bard, Minstrel, Merchant, Thief, Pirate, Assassin, Witch/Warlock, Witch Doctor, Houngan/Mambo, Magic-User, Illusionist, Sage-Mentalist, Sage-Magician, Clerk, Martial Advisor, Rogue Scholastic, Alchemist, Mechanist


Hereditary monarchy, highly centralized, one major city reaps the benefits of whole kingdom's labours. Clergy subservient to the crown.

Mythology & Lore

Deities:   Chukwu – chief god, god of creation and the sun   Ala – goddess of earth and motherhood   Amadioha – god of thunder and lightning   Ekwensu – god of trickery and commerce   Idemili – goddess of rivers   Ikenga – god of time, success, and achievement   Mkpataku – goddess of wealth   Njoku Ji – goddess of crops   Ogbunabali – god of death
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Palace economy
Smarag coinage, precious stones, jewelry

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