Declaration of Victory over Haunaele Document in Huggleland | World Anvil

Declaration of Victory over Haunaele

Created in the year 101 Inequalis

Victory is ours!

All people's of Lokahi rejoice! The bloodthirsty, slave masters, of Haunaele have been defeated, making the world a better place for all! The Haunaele Kingdom was full of greedy, cruel, monstrous, beings that were so disgusting they would eat newborn babes in an attempt to maintain their youth. They made slaves of people's across the land and ravaged the world's natural resources. Their cowardly king, ended his life before he could be brought to justice. He left his people behind to pay for his atrocities. Those who foolishly supported their swine of a leader, will spend the rest of their lives atoning for their kingdom's sins. Their children's children will work to rebuild that which their families' hubris destroyed. It is in our people's nature to feel compassion for wretches as these but, do not feel empathy for their plight. How many women and children were slaughtered at their hands? How many innocent lives were lost to greed? How many slaves waited for freedom only to be slaughtered in a selfish act to be kept as nothing more than property. They have no moral compass, or else the shame, alone, would have driven them to sacrifice themselves.
Let us focus on the future! This victory is one we all share. Every member of our society made considerable contributions to the collective efforts. Families, expanding their gardens and farms to keep us all fed, Women, sacrificing the comfort of their domiciles to care for the injured and sick, the eldest children of our kingdom, taking on the roles of caregivers for their younger siblings to allow their parents to focus on the war; all of these things are part of what led to this momentous occasion. We have saved thousands of those previously forced into servitude. Villages across our great kingdom will now prosper under a fair and just rule. We are now one Kingdom united for the greater good. No longer will anyone have to fear alien forces. No longer will children have nightmares of our kingdom crumbling. We will rise as the united people who led to this victory. The era of many kingdoms, including the Lokahi Kingdom, is over. We shall rule together, united, forever in this new Era of the Lokahi EMPIRE!
~ His Greatest Personage, Emperor Lokahi
Lokahi Castle- by Roxanlita via Artbreeder
All art is created and owned by Roxanlita unless otherwise noted

Cover image: by Roxanlita


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