Haunaele-Lokahi War Military Conflict in Huggleland | World Anvil

Haunaele-Lokahi War

We all know history is written by the victors, and I am not about to question something I cannot change. However, good, evil, and everything in between, are always a matter of perspective
~Libra Cusifnoc
In ancient times, the world was full of small groups of beings, living in harmony, often unaware of each other's existence. As these groups grow and began interacting with each other, eventual blending was inevitable. Small kingdoms began to rise and expand. Some through diplomacy, some through trade and others through conflict. As these kingdoms expanded, two ruling powers rose to the top as powerhouses, dividing the land in two. These were the Lokahi and Haunaele Kingdoms. The Lokahi Kingdom was built on everyone working together for the greater good. Everyone gave so everyone could receive. Only the Royal Family had a higher level of living, which was justified by their role as distributors and enforcers of balance. The Haunaele Kingdom was built on several class levels, with an importance on economic status. Many Haunaele peoples lived in luxury and opulence that not even the Lokahi King enjoyed. Many more Haunaele people, lived in the dirt and worked to the bone for simple survival. Those deemed “worthy” rose; those “unworthy” fell. The two Kingdoms could have remained happily divided and left each other alone, but, it is near impossible for those with power to not want more power.

Contested Territory

Like many wars, this one started as a simple conflict of contested territory. Skirmishes began breaking out in these areas, with both sides claiming rightful governance.

Lokahi's Perspective

Haunaele has been encroaching into our territory for some time under the guise of trade. Our spies have seen through their lies. They target defenseless towns and people, stripping them of their resources, talents, and freedom. We must act before it is too late. We cannot stand by while they openly take that which is ours.

Haunaele's Perspective

We have seen flower fae that are more terrifying than the weak-hearted Lokahi. They think we do not know about their poorly hidden spies? They try to impose rules on our lands over our property and people! We tried to be peaceful and offer trade of resources and labor, but their bellies are softer than a newborn lamb. They dare to call us invaders when they are the ones trying to take over the most vulnerable of our population. Even our weakest child servant is stronger than their supposed “commanders”. We will not stand for their open insult and must show that our might is superior!

An Eruption and a Changed Objective

Both parties original objective was to cement their claim over the contested territories and assert themselves as the superior Kingdom. That all changed with the Eruption of Pescis Charirfla. The volcanic explosion and destruction of Mea'ala was of little concern to either party. But as they saw the sun fading and a dark cloud quickly spreading across the land, it became clear to both of them that the gods were angry, and the opposing side was at fault. Lokahi went so far as to declare the only way to stop Reglasjimva Epidemic from continuing to spread and kill innocents was to eliminate Haunaele. With the temperature quickly dropping, and the air full of toxins, killing flora and fauna alike, Lokahi's new objective was to wipe every trace of the Haunaele kingdom from the world. They recruited anyone big enough to hold a weapon and turned Haunaele's own troops against them with sabotage, blackmail, and well-placed propaganda. After multiple losses, Haunaele went on the defensive; Focusing on protecting the center of their Kingdom and the aristocracy within. They held slaves' family memebers hostage to “incentivize” them to fight with all they had to defend the homes of their masters.

The End and Aftermath

Lokahi made its way to the steps of King Haunaele's Grand Palace; ready to take him and his family captive. They stormed the castle only to find it mostly abandoned. Upon entering the throne room, they see the King dead on his throne by his own hands. Women and children, assumed to be his wives and offspring were laying around his throne poisoned. Victory was declared but, not before the lokahi army set the castle and the surrounding city ablaze. Even the trees were turned to ash and the Island was left a pile of scorched earth. King Lokahi announced himself Emperor and told his new empire how he watched the evil King Haunaele set his own people ablaze. He claimed there was nothing they could do to stop the fires and the guilt of being unable to save the island was the reason why so many Lokahi soldiers drowned themselves on the journey back. The public believed what they were told. It was not until a personal journal of a soldier was discovered centuries later that the truth of what happened at Haunaele was revealed.
Kindgoms at the beginning of the War
Conflict Type
Start Date
126 IN
Ending Date
101 IN
Conflict Result
Haunaele Kingdom Erradicated
All art is created and/owned by Roxanlita unless otherwise noted.


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