High Legna Tiefling

I was in love with a beautiful Legna Tiefling when I was young. She was kind, gentle, and not at all like those crazy High Legna. Those High Legna are weeeeeeiiiirrrrd.
At first glance, a High Legna could pass for one of their more “normal” sisters, however, it does not take long to realize, the High Legna have chosen a way of life very different from the rest of the land.

Ancestral Home

High Legna claim the island chain between the Pua and Kaulike regions as their Ancestral home. To this day, High Legna do not allow anyone else to occupy this land. If they decide to travel elsewhere, they go out of their way to make sure they return home for all major life events. If they die outside the Islands, they believe their souls will be trapped and tortured until their body is returned to the Island.

Separation of Men and Women

Male and female High Legna do not live together. Instead, the females live on the northernmost Island and the males live on the southernmost. The Females oversee their society, and the males cannot leave without the Grand Matriarch's permission. Male's are responsible for food and the care of male offspring, while the females are in charge of most everything else, including military operations if needed. When a female feels the need to produce offspring, adult males deemed “worthy” by the grand matriarch compete to be chosen as the “Honorable sower.” After performing his duty, the sower is allowed to stay throughout the pregnancy to cater to the future mother's every need. Once the baby is born, he is expected to do the majority of childcare until the child is 1 year of age. Subsequently, he must leave the island, taking any male children with him.

Spreading the Gospel of High Legna

The women of the High Legna do often leave the Island to explore the world and spread the gospel of their way of life. While outsiders are not allowed on the islands, they hope to convince others to adopt their culture. They see no reason for monogamous relationships, traditional families, nor formal education. When they travel, they dress in ethereal white robes, adorned in gold and jewels. They typically present themselves as Seraphs walking among mortals and tend to target the poor, downtrodden, and hopeless. Most sane individuals dismiss their often over the top behavior as signs of being fanatical, however, the government claims it sees balance in their lifestyle and dismisses any concerns.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names

Legna Tiefling
Encompassed species
Species | Jul 22, 2024


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