King Soahc II's Descent into Madness

I could not ask for a better husband nor a better King than my sweet Soahc
~Queen Liliana
Once a kind and wise ruler, King Soahc II left behind a legacy of violence, censorship, and madness. The history books tell a simple story of a man who never recovered from losing the love of his life. However, many believe there is much more to the King's change into an entirely different person.

Tharway's Curse

King Soahc I came into power at the age of 18 during “The Great Balancing.” His success against his father and siblings was mostly attributed to the help he received from Lady Tharway. Rather than rewarding his champion, he grew to fear her and created The Scale with the primary goal of destroying her. While he was successful, claims of Tharway's laughter followed Soahc. Once his son Soahc II found a bride of his own, The king suddenly became Ill. No magic, herbal remedies, or religious rituals could heal him and the sicker her became, the more he lost touch with reality, often mumbling about a woman's laughter, and burning eyes watching him. It is said he was so lost that he murdered his wife, mistaking her for Tharway. Upon realizing what he did to his queen, he took his own life.
After what would later be dubbed, "Tharway's Revenge," it was believed the ghost of Lady Tharway was gone. However, after his wife fell pregnant, the new King Soahc began taking late night strolls, and drinking special teas to help him sleep. Sadly, his wife had a still birth and went into a period of mourning. While his wife mourned, the king heard whispers blaming him for the still birth and her pain. He ignored the whispers and eventually, they receded. Soon after, the queen was pregnant with child again. This time she gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Lokahina. There was no time to celebrate, as the new mother did not make it through giving birth. The whispers returned, urging Soahc to harm and even murder his child. He removed himself from her presence to protect her, putting Lady Ytrebil in charge of raising and caring for the new heir.
Soahc may have removed himself for the sake of his daughter. However, the king grew angry, paranoid, and explosive as time went on. He began restricting speech, first within the palace, and eventually across the kingdom. All publications, had to have his approval, the Scale was used to silence those that he suspected were against him (real or imagined). The king would go into fits of rage at the smallest triggers. On one such occasion, Lady Ytrebil insisted on seeing the King about his daughter. She told him, his daughter needed him, and she worried about her isolation. The King flew into a rage and began throwing things at her and screaming at her. He called for guards and accused her of being Lady Tharway come to destroy him like his father. She pleaded with him, denying his accusation, but he demanded she be thrown in the dungeon. The next morning, he had the guards involved executed for treason to silence the incident.
Time did not heal the king. He became obsessed with Haunaele and it's fallen kingdom. He often called out for Tharway into the night. His daughter, only remembered during Lucid moments. Lady Tharway was determined to destroy him. It was not until the Death of King Soahc ll, that the kingdom was made aware of the nature of his heir. Many believe, that after destroying both Soachs, Tharway is satiated. Had he had a male heir, perhaps the evil laughter would have remained in the halls of Castle Harmony. So far, Queen Lokahina appears to be free from the curse of her father and grandfather; however, those that experienced Soahc's rule, are still hesitant to say the curse is over.
Harmony's Abandoned Garden
Building / Landmark | Aug 2, 2024

The Abandoned Garden has high stone walls with a single stone door that has not budged in decades.


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