Magic Pop

Brizzy is a genius when it comes to magic and technology. She invents it and I sell it. It is a perfect partnership!
~Frizlina of Margay
Occasionally, when inventing, you set out with a specific goal in mind. If you are lucky, you create something that meets that goal. If you are Brizlina, you create many things for many goals and let others sort out their uses. Thus, magic pop technology was born.

A little Magic and a little Mechanics

Brizlina was trying and failing to find a way to quickly and easily protect her valuable books, and research. Size reduction to fit them in a vault was temporary and a pain in the butt, and more permanent magic was exhausting to use and undo. After a lot of research and experimentation, she created a vertually indestructable disk enchanted with a new type of spell. By throwing the disk on a flat surface, it pops open and releases a magically collapsed and stored item that then expands. Once a trigger action occurs, or the enchantment expires, the object is magically collapsed and stored in the disk. Brizlina spent a long time perfecting the suspension and pressure system to prevent accidental release before intentional activation. She hoped to protect her entire libray; however, she could not get more than one item regardless of size stored in the disk. She turned over her invention to her sister Frizlina as she often does to figure out a use, name and marketing. Frizlina went the simple route and called the new technology Magic Pop*. After a lot of research of her own, she asked her sister if they could store a vault the size of a house instead of storing individual valuables. While they never achieved the ability to store something so large and heavy, they did come up with an impenetrable “tent.” Frizlina dubbed it the Pop Hug™ and took it to her manufacturer and enchanters in Harmony to begin production. The Pop Hug™ was a hit in personal safety and protection and rumor has it there are more items utilizing magic pop technology on the way to make the world a safer place.

Magic Pop! Fun protection for whatever pops up!

*Patent pending, infringe and face Frizlina's short and fiery wrath.
Brizlina of Fennec


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