Pop Hug

The latest in and greatest in magical protection, the Pop Hug™! It may not replace the affection you never received as a kid, but it will keep you from dying in your sleep1! Brought to you by Magic Pop*!
~Frizlina of Fennec
Every so often, you find yourself in a questionable location or with potentially dangerous company. It can make it difficult to rest when you have to worry about your safety. Being unrested can quickly to The Seven Damnations. Enter the Pop Hug™.

Small, Compact, and Colorful

Pop Hugs™ were invented by Brizlina of Fennec. Their name comes from how they “pop up” when opened and the way they hug the body of any occupant. When deactivated, it is a small, colorful disk about 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter and 1 inch (2.54 cm) deep. To activate, throw it onto a clear, flat surface, and it will spring up and expand into a tall, skinny, tent. When someone is ready to rest, simply enter the Pop Hug™ through the front or back opening. Once inside, the openings will close and the pop hug will form to its occupant. The magic it is enchanted with will activate and create an impenetrable force field around the pop hug. The occupant is protected from its surroundings and anyone that may wish them harm. Once rested, the occupant simply says “open,” to deactivate the magic and open the Pop Hug™. Once empty, the Pop Hug™ collapses and can be packed up. It is important to note, Pop Hugs™ have to be re-enchanted before they can function properly after a single use. It is also critical to stick to single occupancy of the pop hug2.

Obtaining and Maintaining

As a new innovation, the Pop Hug™ is not available everywhere, however, it is not completely unobtainable. They are readily available at “Brizzy's and Frizzy's Magic Stop” in Harmony, as well as at “Frizlina's Good Stuff Warehouse” in Margay. They are not inexpensive at 100 gold a piece, but can you really put a price on the most restful rest you ever experienced in your entire life? Of course not. If you don't have the cash, you can always try to earn enough sugar chips at Sweet Tooth to win one. Remember not to drop a pop hug to avoid accidental engagement. When you are ready to re-enchant, just head to the Magic Stop, and they will be happy to enchant for the low price of 25 gold. Pop Hugs™ are hands down the ultimate in personal protection and well worth the cost, the trip, and the worship fanfare.
*Patent pending on Magic Pop
Pop Hug™ is a registered trademark of Brizzy's and Frizzy's Magic Stop. Imitations, and cheap knock offs can and will feel Frizlina's short, fiery wrath! Pop Hug™ is not responsible for accidental death, trauma, or injury that may or may not occur while using said Pop Hug™

1you may still die in your sleep. 2This technology has not been tested for more than one occupant. Results could be devastating.
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Aug 9, 2024 01:14 by Joshua Stewart

Very intriguing item, some of these descriptions had me chuckling. And you've got me dying to know, what happens if two people try to use the Pop Hug!? Lol. Also, the addendum and TM notes at the end are a nice touch.

Aug 31, 2024 14:56 by Roxanlita

Thanks! Yes, this one is definitely part of the sillier side of my world. I am still debating on how I will handle if more than one person tries. It could just be a marketing ploy to scare people into not sharing so they sell more, or it could have consequences. I'll be introducing it into my campaign soon, so maybe my players will try and I'll improvise my way to a result lol.

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Happy Dopamine Chasing!
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