Fallen Home

Frozen, dark and unforgiving. The capital of a civilization that once spanned much of Huld, or so the legend goes. The place that fell victim to a terrible tragedy that wiped it, and any trace of their accomplishments from the surface of the world.


At more than 200,000 square miles the islands of Fallen Home are the second largest islands by size coming in behind the land of Farren. Unlike Farren, Fallen Home is completely covered in shifting snowbanks and the ruins of long demolished towns and cities. The islands of Fallen Home contain many tall mountainous peaks and deep valleys carved through the deep furrows of frozen tundra. The surrounding land mass is completely surrounded by icebergs that threaten to crush any ship that dares to cross their path.

Localized Phenomena

Any ships that dare to sail close enough to the shores of fallen home have witnessed strange phenomena on the distant lands with clouds of snow being shot into the air followed by gouts of flame and falling debris.
Alternative Name(s)
The Lost Kingdom
Desert, Ice
Location under