Hitchhiker's Guide to the Madji

This book was created with the help of Jonah C.
  "Come hear the tale of adventurers bold and the land that they did discover.
With swords and bright spells evil doers they felled as they fought alongside of their brothers.
For a journey so grand is a tale of strange lands where the water replaces the sky.
Come sit and take heed for there's merriment indeed in the hitchhiker's guide to the Madji."

- Opening text to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Madji


A tale of fictional adventure recounting the story of a group of adventurers who are swept into a mystical land called the Madji. The book is written from the point of view of the main character Balminar.  Author Salvonis Gregaristro describes a fantastical land populated by living chairs, turnips and water sprites.

Historical Details


This book was first published by the Riverweld Arcanum and copied for distribution to other Arcanum towers.

Public Reaction

Initial reaction to the book was mixed, the fantastical characters and environment gave many readers the impression that the story was originally intended for children. However, the amount of violence and reference to evil gods made it clear the intended audience was much older. Once the initial confusion subsided, the story became popular among Riverweld's population.   The story was received well and copies have been distributed to other Arcanum towers including a copy sent to the McBrusk Arcanum tower in the Emerald Kingdom.
Manuscript, Literature
Authoring Date
3521 AF