Spirit Bag

Spirit bags originally hail from the Madji and develop personalities that reveal the attitudes and ideals of the people that wear them. Hungry for travel and adventure the spirit bag is ever willing to offer advice and encouragement while lending a helpful place for adventurers to place their wares when not in use. While spirits bags cannot travel on their own, they can and do participate in adventures that span the world.
Spirit bags, do not have hands or feet. Instead they must rely upon the sturdy backs and wagons of their adventuring parties to take them across vast distances and experience the wonders of the natural world. More accustomed to long journeys spirit bags are hardy in construction and boisterous in spirit. With no formal society spirit bags rarely meet. However, the lucky adventurer that makes their acquaintance has a steadfast ally for life.

Basic Information


Due to their construction a spirit bag does not have the required appendages for travel. Without their own legs, spirit bags are completely reliant upon the will and efforts of others to move them from place to place. Spirit bags do not have legs or any other method to move themselves around the world. While they may be able to exert a supreme effort to roll over or fall down some stairs, their lack of mobility means they are at the mercy of their surroundings. This lack of mobility also leads to many spirit bags choosing to reveal their intelligence only to those they can trust not to destroy them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nobody is quite sure where the intelligent spirits that live within Spirit Bags come from, but the fact remains they come from somewhere. A Spirit Bag that is newly constructed is likely to take on the personality of the people that wear it. However, there have been some Spirit Bags with personalities that conflict with their owners. Little is known of how they are created, how they age or even if they can die, a Spirit Bag treasures the adventures it's been on and will happily regale anyone who listens of heroic deeds and farcical happenings. A Spirit Bag is a worthy companion to any adventurer and can help keep their owner alive and literally cover their back.


Nobody is quite sure where the intelligent spirits that live within Spirit Bags come from, but the fact remains they come from somewhere. A Spirit Bag that is newly constructed is likely to take on the personality of the people that wear it. However, there have been some Spirit Bags with personalities that conflict with their owners. Little is known of how they are created, how they age or even if they can die, a Spirit Bag treasures the adventures it's been on and will happily regale anyone who listens of heroic deeds and farcical happenings. A Spirit Bag is a worthy companion to any adventurer and can help keep their owner alive and literally cover their back.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Spirit Bags are built to be intelligent and recall the deeds and exploits of their wearers. While they cannot write, they have tremendous capacity for memory.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

When a Spirit Bag is created they are not given hands or arms to interact with the world around them. Unless a Spirit Bag has something placed into its straps they are unable to grasp anything. This lack of manual dexterity means they have a difficult time interacting with the world around them without help. However, should someone request an item they are holding or search inside their storage compartments for an item a Spirit Bag will automatically produce the item as long as they posses it.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Spirit Bags are non-gendered. They lack the physical capability to reproduce. Therefore, they do not have gender norms innately in their culture. Since a Spirit Bag may live for centuries before encountering another bag like itself, a Spirit Bag likely adopts the cultural gender norms of the society it's wearer is descended from.

Common Taboos

Spirit bags loath being dirty or unbuckled. Many Spirit Bags have suggested that being seen with a clasp or buckle undone must feel akin to a human walking around half-clothed or naked.
Unknown, Spirit Bags do not age.
Average Height
Average Weight