The Followers of Ravi

"The world given, embraced by the fire above.
Borrowed from the rim of myth, we cast our spirits.
Together in light a wisdom known by all, the One Light touches."
- Ravinite sunrise Prayer


The followers of Ravi are a popular religion around Lake Matsaya. The Ravinites consist of anyone who worship Ravi, the solar body that Huld orbits. Believers of Ravi are fairly common, non confrontational and uncontroversial. Those who worship Ravi need not work for the Followers to be considered in good standing or "in the light" as the saying goes. However, should someone choose to join the Followers of Ravi in a more vocational capacity the group is organized into several areas of specialization. Each area is defined as an order. While no official gender separation is required several orders are populated by a specific gender such as the Scholars and the Clerics.   Soldiers of the Sun The Militant order of the Followers of Ravi. The soldiers of the sun are tasked with defending the territory of the Followers of Ravi anywhere they may build a temple. They are responsible martialing troops for defense and acting as law enforcement. The solders wear gold armor over their white robes.
The researchers of Ravani holy text are most commonly found in the capital city of Ter'A-Til. The scholars are devoted to their studies with time for little else. A secretive group the scholars are selective with their membership and are responsible for the religious and philosophical education of all who worship Ravi. This order consists primarily of men and its members wear white robes with Jade fringe.
Healers and anatomical researchers. The Clerics of Ravi are experts in medical procedures and engineering. Tasked with public health, food production and infrastructure development the Clerics place a high value on practical education and find spiritual fulfilment in hands on work. Almost exclusively female, they wear white robes with garnet fringe.
Politicians, Scientists and Mathematicians. The Astronomers of Ravi are White robes with black fringe.
General labor and younger members who have not yet taken an order. White robes, no fringe. Acolytes have no order leader from within. Each year the title of “Master of Acolytes” falls to the second in command of each order. This way each order is given the opportunity to expose an acolyte to their teachings. Acolytes are expected to make a decision on which order they will apply to at the end of the fourth cycle. An order can refuse an acolyte, although this is not done very much anymore.

Public Agenda

The Followers of Ravi exist first and foremost to honor their god. Their agenda in the city of Ter'A-Til is to bring peace and stability to the city and all its inhabitants.


The city of Ter'A-Til, where the Ravinites are based, is very well defended. These fortifications allow for the storing of weapons, food, commerce and trade. The harbor of Ter'A-Til allows for trade across Lake Matsaya and provides a large stockpile of materials that can be used to manufacture arms and equipment. The Ravinites also have exclusive control over the mines that from inside their capital city, deep under the blasted lands.


Worship of Ravi is common throughout much of Huld. Ancient Clerics of Ravi and Ravan followed the instructions from the various Sedai of Ravi over the centuries. However, the capital of the Followers of Ravi has historically been located in the city of Ter'A-Til. This location has made the majority of Followers of Ravi similar in their ancestry. An ancestry that was once referred to as halflings have become so associated with the Followers of Ravi that the ancestry is now referred to as Ravenite throughout much of Huld.

Together In The Light

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Ravinites, Followers
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
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