BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Arcologies free up large amounts of land that would otherwise be occupied by neighborhoods, factories, stores, roads, offices, warehouses, and other structures. They also allow for rapid and efficient transportation as residents do not have to travel far to go to work or the store. Most arcologies are also designed to be inherently traversable by a combination of walking and public transportation.


Older arcologies were built out of prefabricated segments of carbonic polymer using traditional construction methods. Modern arcologies are built using automated construction robots that print the structure as it rises.

Social Impact

Life in arcologies led people to form stronger social networks tied to their neighborhoods while also allowing people to easily connect with others regardless of where they lived. As living spaces shrank, public spaces grew in importance. Holographic projection was invented about 20 years after the completion of the first arcologies and allowed for small spaces to seem larger. The use of hops allows residents to find privacy in their home without feeling claustrophobic.
Access & Availability
Arcologies are mostly found on Earth and the majority of urban residents around the world live in these structures. They are also found on some other planets where there is a relatively large population, carbonic is readily available, or the hazardous environment makes it more efficient to house people in a single, shared habitat.
Arcologies are readily straightforward to build. All that is needed for their construction is a steady supply of carbonic polymers. Utilizing automated construction, even the largest arcologies can be completed within a few years.
Humans have long dreamed of constructing massive structures incorporating residential, commercial, and industrial areas within a single building. While some massive skyscrapers were built prior to the invention of carbonic that could have been classified as primitive arcologies, it was the strong but lightweight properties of carbonic polymer chains that allowed for the construction of the first arcologies in China in the 2130s. Arcologies eased the long-standing burden on land usage in densely populated areas, which is why their construction began almost immediately after the invention of carbonic.


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