
The Simiiforcs are a humanoid race and one of the most feral and aggressive species in the entire known universe, right after Humanity.
Since their name for their species is just a description of them in their native languages, humanity has named them after a fantasy race called "Orcs" and the Simiiformes, which are basically apes. The Simiiforcs reminded the first scientiest of Gorillas and some nerd said "Oh hey, Orcs", so the name was set. And nothing was more fitting than that despite countless debates over it. Not that the Simiiforcs cared.
The Simiiforcs look like mostly hairless Silverback Gorillas. They mostly walk on four limbs, because their upper body is in most cases to heavy for the hind legs. The reason is the sheer amount of muscles they tend to built during their lifetime. They can stand on the hind legs and can also walk like a human can, but it is exhausting after a while.
Males and females are not so different. All Simiiforcs are warriors or can be warriors, even if they tend to fields, infrastructure or the younglings. Males have mostly shorter hair on the head and don't care for most jewelery or body decorations when it is not war-/fight-related. The females are a bit different, they tend to collect those stuff.
Their homeworld is - just like Terra - something the other species would consider a "death world", where everything is trying to kill you. Those harmless looking things which pollinate the flowers? Their sting is poisonus. You see the big black cat over there? It will assassinate you if you are not cautios. Or those purple flowers over there? Yeah, they are pretty, but if you come to close, they will latch out and if you are not strong enough, they liquify your entrails before sucking them out of your body. While you are alive.




The technology level of the Simiiforcs is very basic and not really sophisticated. It is a combination of tribe-related mechanics and medieval-inspired sword & armour. They have water pumps and pipes, some kind of electricity (while using wood and peat for fires), windmills and sturdy paddle steamers to move over giant lakes, rivers or the few oceans on their homeworld. Simiiforcs also have large areas of agriculture, which is one reason to fight over it in large clan wars. Or small duels between two or more combatants.
If you may take a look at their armoury, what can you see? Right. No firearms.
Simiiforcs are proud folks. They believe nothing is worth fighting over when you can't do it in close-combat. With muscles, blood, sweat and seldom tears. So their armour is basically a second skin made out of metal and steel, while their weaponry is basically medieval-tech: flail weapons, halberds, swords in all sizes, morning star weapons. If they need to fight over long distances - why should they? Well, sometimes there is a need for it - they just throw stuff in the direction of their enemies. Stones, grenades - yes, they have crude and unreliable frag grenades - or whatever ammunition they can find.
A fully armoured Simiiforc can tank a lot of damage, be it the ballistic weapons of humanity or the laser-based weapons of the Anthraxians or the energy beams of the Voidwalkers. And even when their armour is broken, hands numb, blood running down into their eyes, a Simiiforc will continue to fight until his last dying breath. To kill a Simiiforc you need a lot of lethal force. I mean, a LOT. An Overkill, so to say.

Military / Civilian

For a Simiiforc there is no distinction between a soldier and a civilian. You are, what you are and even younglings are going to learn how to fight. Every Simiiforc, be it a General or a peasant, are trained to fight, be it close-combat one-on-one or in large scale operations, which means clan wars.
Nearly every quarrel is solved with a fight or a blood ritual to ask guidance by their pagan gods. Please don't tell them, but their gods are not there. They just are their fiction, they are no Unspeakables or other entities. But they give the Simiiforcs some kind of assurance and guidance and whatever they schamans are seeing in the blood, it gives them some kind of peace of mind.


Most medical stuff is plant-based, the chemicals of the Simiiforcs are quite basic. Even when they want to colour their fabrics they search for specific mushrooms and cook the clothes with the mushrooms in water.

Society after space travel

The Simiiforcs didn't have the ambition to go into space, their own quarrels with each other were enough to keep them occupied. The Chronomancers discovered the tribes of Simiiforcs during one of their explorations and seized the opportunity: to raise an army to protect themselves.
The Chronomancers brokered a peace treaty between the tribes before reaching the agreement that the Simiiforcs were going to be the private army of the fragile species. For every clan - which were five at this time and are still five - the Chronomancers searched for a habitable planet and "gifted" the planets to the clans. Which meant they gathered the clans in ships and resettled them. They had to fight for their new home but they did it with pride and honour.
Of course were there trouble, especially with the topic of who was staying behind on the homeworld. The Chronomancers decided for the oldest clan. The task to find out which was the oldest clan consumed a lot of time because it was all told in stories. Some of those written, most of them memorised. But they found the oldest clan and the debate was settled with only a bit of bloodshed.

Reproduction, Careing & Education

The mating ritual of the Simiiforcs is based on raw strength. If a male fancies a female (or the other way round) they say that and engage in a short ritual which is set at a specific time at a specific place. Both Simiiforc wrestle with each other and depending on the winner there is a new relationship or not. If the male wins they mostly mate with each other right on the spot and start the relationship because the male has shown that he can overcome his female and protect her in times of need.
If the female wins there are two options: she can deny his request - and chop his head off if she wants to - or she mates with him because she can dominate him and provide for the family when she has given birth.
A Simiiforc is ready for procreation at the - human - age of 14 where they are considered as adults. The pregnancy lasts around ten months and the female can give birth to up to two younglings. In the first years she will care for them and educate until the male takes over and train them into the ways of the sword and war. Education continues with both sides of the family.
Angry Simiiforc by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


  • height: 170 - 250cm (depending if on 4 or 2 limbs)
  • weight: 120 - 300kg
  • lifetime: 60 - 90 years
  • Two legs
  • two arms
  • one brain
  • two eyes
  • five fingers
  • five toes
  • two lungs
  • one heart
  • two kidneys
  • humanoid primary sexual organs
  • secondary nervous system


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