Space Whale Species in Humans are Space Orcs | World Anvil

Space Whale


  Space Whales are - unlike their equivalent on Terra - not a thing which resembles a whale a lot. They got the more human name because of their way of communication, a sonar-like wailing and their appearence. But they are not a friendly giant roaming the void between worlds and solar systems.   They look like something from a nightmare, which was spat out into existence and pressed inside which could have been the corpse of a large blue whale from Terra. With a lot of teeth.  


  There is nothing really to say about how Space Whales behave. The last one was seen around fourty years after humanity got to join the Council of the Stars and was encountered by a joint fleet of Nemeians and Humans. It was wailing for help - or maybe angrily shouting - and was bleeding out of a lot of wounds, probably from an encounter with a Space Squid.   It ignored the entire fleet - probably thinking something like "puny steel cans" - and vanished in an Oord cloud. The fleet tried to stay at its tail, but at some point it was just gone. For good. And it might be for the better because one sweep of its tail could  


  From what we know is that Space Whales hunt Space Squids. Yes, they both have scientific names, just let me tell you the story, okay?! - Where was I? Ah, hunting. - They probably hunt in packs of around three or four Whales so that one can attack the Squid, get entangled and raging with it, while the other ones bite the Squid in tiny little bits.  

Extinct (?)

  The last Space Whale was seen approx. fourty years after humanity joined the Council of the Stars. What we do know is that they came from outside the Milky Way and well... probably they either returned into the void or just vanished. The thing is, nobody had seen a Space Squid after that as well. Curious, hu?
Space Whale by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Watch out, Horror Space Whale! Proceed with caution!
-Length: between 2-6km
-Weight: up to 40.5 million metrical tons
-no eyes
-Teeth: about 600 of them, pointy and sharp
-Digesting system: they... probably have one?
-Food: Squids. No, really: giant Space Squids
-Communication: some kind of hyper-sonar which travels through space


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Aug 3, 2023 21:58 by Patricia

Love the image of the Space Whale. Now I wish I could see the Space Squid! I think it's interesting how you're writing this from more of a subjective point of view, and I'd love to know more about who you think of as the "narrator" of this article (and if that changes between articles).

Aug 3, 2023 22:51

THE narrator is called DAVE and now has an article of his own. He is linked on the homepage, you can't miss him. :)
And thank you, the Squids are getting an article in the near future too. My main goal with this setting is telling a broader view of the glory of the Imperium of Man Valerian Empire and the impact Humanity has on a galaxy-wide scale. This I do with articles narrated by DAVE or my characters John, Alira and Valeria and other characters. You might want to read about them. But beware, do not fall in love, it could break your heart <3

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events