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Height and Weight

The table below can be used to decide your character’s height and weight. These are based on the information provided in each race’s description, and reflect the natural variation that occurs within the different folk of the Wood.   To use this table, first locate your character’s race, and roll for their height modifier. Add this result in inches to the base height shown in the previous column. Next, using the appropriate column, roll for your weight modifier. Some races have a flat weight modifier. If this is the case, simply use the number provided in this column. Then, take the number you rolled for the height modifier, and multiply it by the weight modifier. Add this result in pounds to your race’s base weight.   You may notice that the weights for birdfolk races are significantly lower than for humblefolk of similar size. The birdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internal structures that act as struts. Along with other weight-reducing adaptations, this allows birdfolk to glide. Birdfolk characters are not negatively impacted by their lower weight.
Race Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Cervan (Grove) 4'8" +2d10 110lb x (1d4)lb
Cervan (Pronghorn) 6'1" +2d10 120lb x (2d4)lb
Corvum 4'4" +2d10 70lb x (1d4)lb
Gallus 3'4" +3d10 55lb x (1d4)lb
Hedge 2'11" +2d6 30lb x (1d4)lb
Jerbeen 2'4" +2d4 20lb x (1d2)lb
Luma 2'8" +2d4 25lb x 1lb
Mapach 3'11" +2d6 85lb x (2d4)lb
Raptor 2'11" +2d6 25lb x 1lb
Strig 3'10" +2d10 80lb x (1d6)lb
Vulpin 4'2" +2d10 80lb x (2d4)lb

Altering Race Size

The sizes listed in the racial descriptions represent suggested averages of the various races, but with your permission, players can adjust these sizes depending on the kind of birdfolk or humblefolk character they’d like to play. Some varieties of strig, a race that takes their physical characteristics from owls, could be smaller sized, around 3 feet tall, if the player desires. Similarly, raptors, a race whose physical characteristics resemble birds of prey, could reach around 5 feet in height at your discretion.   For the sake of simplicity we advise that, regardless of the physical measurements of a character, they follow the size category rules of their race (Medium or Small). In the lore, this can be expressed by saying that even a small strig is solid and strong, where even a taller raptor is light and agile. This will make calculating things that rely on size categories much easier, rather than having to remember which size variant a player has chosen for a race.   Alternatively, if the races presented here are too big for your liking when placed in comparison to humans in other campaign settings, size categories can be adjusted accordingly when using them in other settings. This is entirely a matter of taste. It is recommended that you do whatever makes the most sense for the kinds of worlds you’d like to build and the kinds of stories you’d like to tell with your players.

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