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Known throughout the region as the "Great Tree City", Alderheart, is a vibrant place and a cultural center, home to thousands of residents, some regional and some from the farthest corners of Everden.  The thriving community attracts people from faraway lands, like traveling merchants, explorers, and foreign dignitaries.  Citizens of Humblewood who don't live in the city routinely journey there to trade goods, stock up on supplies, engage in artistic endeavors, or simply to catch up on the latest news and gossip.  Effectively everyone in Humblewood is connected to Alderheart.


The Council is not only the leader of Alderheart, but are connected to the laws and rules of the entirety of the Humblewoods.

Gallus Council/Council Speaker: Bita Witehail
Corvum Council: Coalhatch
Strig Council: Jagger Rustquill
Luma Council: Fairtweet
Raptor Council: Basley


1. Council Plaza: Where all judicial and government buildings related to the oversight of Alderheart and Humblewood can be found.  The Birdfolk Council Chambers, a large domed structure nestled within the branches, can be found.  Next to it is the courthouse, a gaol, and the Perch Guard Headquarters.  All of these buildings buildings are arranged around an open plaza containing a large statue of a Sera Luma in ceremonial robes, an effigy of Speaker Ava, the Founder of the Birdfolk Council.

2. Canopy Market: Where high quality wares and imported goods from beyond Humblewood can be found.  Talented weaponsmiths, armorers, and merchants of all sorts do business here.  Eliza's Emporium and the Merchant Guild is located on this level.

3. The Boughs: An affluent neighborhood of high class homes.  Many of Alderheart's aristocrats and high ranking city officials have residences here.  The Selby Residence can be found here.

4. The Branches: A neighborhood made of modest homes, connected by wood bridges and gliding platforms.  This area is dangerous for non-birdfolk.  Without the ability to glide, a fall from here is almost certainly fatal.

5. Trunk Market: Lately, the number of folks residing in the trunk section has swelled due to villagers escaping the fires.  A hollow space, just a few minutes walk from the trunk's market, has become a shelter area for refugees, much to the dismay of local merchants.  The market area is overcrowded, and many refugees, much to the dismay of local merchants.  The market area is overcrowded, and many refugees are searching for work, begging for money, or taking to thievery to support themselves.

6. The Bright Hollows: This part of the trunk is known for a series of holes within the bark that allow natural ligh to stream in.  The trunk contains many of the common homes and markets in Alderheart, and the majority of those who live there are humblefolk.  Some pathways here lead to dwellings on the outside of the tree, which are nicer than the simplet homes that can be found inside the trunk.

7. The Underfall: The roots are slums of Alderheart, and within these shabby tunnels characters will see destitute refugees and communities of locals living in poverty.  This is the best place to find criminal contacts within the city, as well as fences who can help characters sell restricted goods or purchase them at a heavily inflated price.

Guilds and Factions

Merchant Guild:  Found on the Canopy Market level.
     -Coldcheap, older Corvum, external dealings
     -Drake, middle aged Cervan, internal dealings
     -Greytail, a younger Jerbeen, security and criminal dealings
Founding Date
0 A.A.Y.
Large city
10,000 to 9,500

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