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A small town exists on the fringes of the Scorched Grove, where wind-blown ash causes the soil to be fertile and the land rich with game. It is dangerous living so close to the Grove, but the rewards make it worth the risk for the intrepid folk that call Ashbarrow home. The town takes its name from the small hill upon which it rests, and is inhabited by a mix of birdfolk and humblefolk who shelter within its low stone walls. A large watchtower near the town's center serves as both a means of observing when the winds will bring ash from the Scorched Grove, as well as an observatory for seers who watch the stars for signs and portents.


An almost equal mix of birdfolk and humblefolk, the mayors and town leaders have been both.  Still, though Tenders and Perch Guards prefer discussing matters with birdfolk, so some birdfolk are always in power.  It is worth noting that even the richest town member of Ashbarrow is barely middle class in Alderheart.


Alderheart nobles determine taxes and laws.  They have a local mayor, but its mostly the community itself that regulates itself.


No formal defense, known skilled civilian fighters and some occasional Perch Guards are the limit. Their primary defense is their close watch and their position on a high hill over the Scorched Grove.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabitants are farmers and with only a few merchants and other small odd jobs.


Has a single inn where farmers come together to sale goods to each other and travelers. The inn does stay fairly busy with Tenders, Perch Guards, researchers of the Scored Grove, and other such adventurers.  Despite that, the town only has one general store with traveling merchants being the only method to get anything unique.

Guilds and Factions

Most shrines are personal and in individual homes. Any festival or events takes place around the base of the large tree in the center of the town. Tenders have discussed on occasion setting a base but still have not went through with it.


They are on top of a decently large hill that looks over some of the Scorched Grove.


Less than 1,000

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