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The Avium

The Avium is a college of magical arts with a wide range of subjects available for study.  The free transmission of knowledge is one of the Avium's core principles, but the college nonetheless maintains a certain degree of secrecy regarding some of the more dangerous magical tomes it safeguards.  All races are welcome within the Avium's halls, although admittance is granted only by the will of the headmaster and a council of senior staff.  Prospective students are tested for their skills, but also the motivation for their studies.  The College takes great care to ensure its members will positively represent the legacy and reputation of the Avium out in the world.

The Avium was once a living tree that was home to a perch known for producing some of Humbelwood's most legendary scholars.  After the tree's death, a group of wizards from this perch decided to found the Avium here.  They used transmutation magic to artificially petrify the tree, and then shaped it into a building capable of housing the largest mage college in Humblewood.  controlled by magical fields, the College's many structures float in circuit with one another: a collection of towers, courtyards, and observatories all hover around the huge central building, each equipped with a bridge that lines up with the main building at regular intervals.  Those not gifted with the birdfolk's limited form of flight must harness their magic for transportation, or wait until the archways align to allow for foot traffic.

While the curriculum is diverse, the College does impose certain limitations, most notably regarding necromancy.  As inhabitants of the Wood, the Avium's primary staff members originate from a culture with great respect for nature and the cycle of life.  As such, the necromantic arts are taught mainly in a theoretical sense.  Practical application of necromancy at the College is highly regulated, and available only under strict guidance.
Students are, however, encouraged to explore other schools of magic to their fullest potential.  Breakthroughs in elemental theorems, teleportation methods, and advances in practical transmutation have been pioneered at the Avium.  Within these classrooms you will find future Tenders, council members, and protectors of the Wood.  The application process is demanding, and the curriculum rigorous.  Few make it to graduation.  For those who prove their grasp of the arcana, endorsement from the Avium is among the highest honors.


1. Central Building: Faculty offices, most lecture halls, the large communal dining hall, and the infirmary are all located in the central building.  A Perch Guard station near the middle of the central building serves as the headquarters for campus security forces.  Servitor skeletons can often be found here, performing janitorial tasks.

2. The Terrariums: The four terrariums are circular stone structures with bowl-shared bottoms and mostly flat surfaces.  They are contained in magical spherical fields, which allow matter to pass through, but are designed to shield and contain magical blasts.   This keeps the surrounding structures safe in case of an accident.  Three of the terrariums are 200 feet in diameter.  They contain different biomes and are used for natural research.  The fourth is smaller, only 100 feet across, and is located higher up.  It houses a security building, as well as a gaol, both overseen by the Perch Guard.

3. The Towers: The floating towers are between 40 to 80 feet across, and they are the oldest structures orbiting the central tree.  Some house libraries and small classrooms on niche subjects, mostly for advanced students of a particular school of magic.  Other towers contain laboratories for practicing spellcraft, testing established arcane theorems, and brewing potions.

4. The Dean's Office: Located high in the Avium's structure, this large office belongs to Dean Windsworth.  More than just his private study, it is a historical part of the building, having been used by every headmaster of the Avium since the College's founding.  Dean Windsworth can often be found here poring over documents.

5. Dormitories: The central building houses dormitories for students and faculty.  The student rooms are near the lower part of the tree, and are divided by an individual's standing within the Avium, with those in their first year having rooms closer to the ground.  The faculty dorms rest above these, in areas off limits to students.

6. Lower Library: The lower library consists of a series of rooms and corridors, shaped from inside the tree's stone roots.  Unlike many of the classrooms in the central building, which have been remodeled, much of the lower library remains unchanged since the days of the Avium's founding.  It constrains the most dangerous and rare books in the Avium, and only high ranking faculty members and a few special guest researchers are privy to the contents within.  The sturdy stone shelves here are molded from the same stone that makes up the floor.  They tower with books and require little in the way of care beyond dusting (though some sections are clearly overdue for it).

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