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The Crest Mountains

The mountain's severe environment supports a variety of goats and small mammals that feast on hearty shrubbery growing between the crags.  There are also several unique creatures native to the Crest.  Griffons roost in the peaks and scour a wide territory around the mountains for prey.  Basilisks feast on rocks, but have a special preference for creatures they have petrified with their deadly stone gaze.  Giant eagles nest atop the highest cliffs, keeping their young safe from lowland predators.  Mountain lions, powerful earth aspected hunters, prey on goats, rodents, and occasionally more monstrous creatures.
The Crest is dotted with structures built during different points in history by both birdfolk and humblefolk.  In addition to garnering interest from archeological teams, some of these mysterious ruins have become home to a handful of intrepid folk who have taken to life in this dangerous and remote place.

An old tale relates how the Amaranthine Altus was challenged to a contest of strength by a giant made from living rock.  To achieve victory, Altus is said to have lifted the earth up with his talons, proving his might and creating the mountains.  In some versions, the frustrated giant challenge Altus to several rematches.  They travel across the face of Everden, raising higher and higher peaks, until all the mountains in the world are created.  Every adaptation agrees: Altus is always victorious, and is given dominion over the high summits of the world.  The snowy, harsh environment of the mountains is said to be directly influenced by Altus, the Amaranthine of storms.
It is a wonder that such a lush, expansive forest sits at the foot of those blustry peaks.  Experts theorize that the formable bulwark of rock helped the Woods thrive by shield it from the bitter, salty winds of the ocean.


The Crests is the name given to the mountains range to the northeast of Humblewood.  It stands in stark contrast to the green forest at its base with sheer rock faces and huge boulders rising into the sky.  Some scholars from the Avium have suggested theories that some of the mountains may show evidence of creatures and folks of the past.

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