Armored Constrictor Species in Hvatvetna | World Anvil
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Armored Constrictor

Substantial snakes with heavy faceted scales, the Armored Constrictor is an ambush predator native to the lowland jungles of Brunivard. Growing to a length of 20 meters, a full grown armored constrictor can take on prey up to the size of a Tree Rhinoceros successfully. Constrictors wait on sturdy branches near water or known feeding grounds for smaller species, and drop onto their prey from above. Constrictors themselves show the coloring not of leaves, but of branches, and younger constrictors may stretch their bodies out between trees to look like part of the jungle. Victims walking underneath will be captured in a loop of hungry serpent and squeezed to death, allowing the Armored Constrictor to feed at its own pace.   They can bite, but are more likely to strike with their head to stun their prey, before constricting it. Larger constrictors tend to stay on the floor of the jungle, and hunt at night.

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