REC Sword of Rothilimion Vehicle in Hvatvetna | World Anvil
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REC Sword of Rothilimion


  The Rothilimion Engineering Command (REC) Sword of Rothilimion was one of three three-masted Rothilimion naval patrol ships converted to flying vessels by installation of stellospheric cores.  

If You Want it Done Right, You Have to do it Yourself

The Rothilimion genius Sage Peleril and their research team had been studying Ginnunghval for many years to learn how the Void Whales were able to fly between the spheres of Hvatvetna. They made arrangements to borrow a Rothilimion naval vessel for their experiment, installing a Stellospheric Core in order to learn how to make ships fly.  

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

As the first experiments were being conducted, an army from Dornia showed up, blockaded the port, and laid siege to Rothilimion. The experiments continued under cover of darkness and behind the city walls. Naval officer Admiral Lederehrel joined the research team and was instrumental in the team learning to control the flight characteristics of the hybrid craft. Renamed the Sword of Rothilimion, with two quickly-commissioned sister ships in the fleet, the flying vessel became Admiral Lederehrel's command ship for the the Reduction of Kabatnos.  

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Once the REC launched the first purpose-built stellospheric craft, the three original ships were scheduled to be converted back to normal naval vessels. The other two were successfully de-commissioned, their stellospheric cores transferred to new vessels. The REC Sword of Rothilimion was stolen by Sage Peleril and senior members of their research team. Many have searched, but their current whereabouts are unknown.


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Author's Notes

Describe the functions of a vehicle used for military practices or conflicts.
— Summer Camp 2019 challenge

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