Artem – God of Beauty, Art and Magic.

One of the first gods and the core five in our phaeton was Artem. The visibly least worshiped of the five as the god of beauty, art and magic he is also closely associated with life’s pleasures witch might explain his lack of appearance in more conservative societies.

Artem was one of the gods to create the first people, he also gifted some magic beyond divine abilities. He gave them art and thought them creativity, not just music, painting and writing but also entrepreneurial creativity. Many students of the magical art still worship Artem, if in secret, in the more conservative societies.

Artem has in legend taken many forms, both male and female and sometimes neither. Always described to have golden eyes, skin and long hair of real golden treads. He is still throughout often described in a masculine way and the old languages has as long as its been known used male terms for him. The only times we have recorded legends of him taking a female form, but not necessary, is in the stories where some of his children where created and born. Artem is one of the gods with the most children and it is said that he loved them all equally, and is therefor a god closely connected to fertility and childbirth.

He has also been known to enjoy a god time. It is said that he gifted the people with the creation of alcohol and was known for big festivals. It has been said that the festival of midsummer was first created in his honour, if maybe it was a bit more carnal in nature at first. This might be why his church is more present in the country of Regione florum with their wine culture.

Mythology of Artem

Artem and Malleus created the first people and put them on the land and sea Terra created. Artem continued create and let his creations run free to do what they pleased on Hyacinto, not knowing what they did until he and Malleus was called upon by Nox and Sapientia. They informed them of their creations wrongdoings upon Terra’s creation but Artem did not care and continued to create creatures, but in a ever defiant mood he embedded strands of his golden hair in some of his creations gifting them with arcane abilities. During the peaceful times after mans creation he is said to have spent most of his time creating new races of Hyacinto, partying and playing, having many children gods and demigods.

The Divine War

It is said that the divine war started because some of his children felt jealous of Artems creation, that he loved just as much as them. Some legends say that it was Artem himself that wade war upon Nox after been driven mad by centuries of watching his creations die over and over again. But one thing the legends agree upon is that Artem himself put an end to the war.

When there were no peace in sight and the gods could not agree on what to do, Artem devised a plan and if he had to separate the gods from the living so be it. In the hight of war Artem went in to hiding. There he built the divine plain and the gate separating the two plains. Then emerging from hiding he went and searched for his brethren to create five keys to the gate.

The tricking of the gods

Artems first went to Malleus, high in the mountains. He knew that Malleus was strong and protective but as Artem had his vanity Malleus had his pride. So Artem told Malleus that if he was truly the god of strength and protection he shouldn’t need his sword to stop the war against the other gods because if that was true what god of strength and protection was he if he relied on his sword. So Artem proposed a deal, if Malleus could win the war without his weapon Artem would create the most beautiful sword Malleus had ever seen. Malleus agreed and so to his delight Artem kissed him and took the sword after inviting Malleus to visit Artem to view his latest creation.

Second was Sapientia in the mids of society, she was wise and knew all of Hyacintos secrets. But as Artem had his vanity and Malleus had his pride, Sapientia had her curiosity and was a glutton for gossip. So Artem told her if she let him barrow her pearl wand of secrets he would tell her the most exquisite of secrets. As her curiosity took over she agreed, but only if she redeemed the secret worthy enough. So he told her how he convinced Malleus to not win the war by fighting with weapons and for extra flavour how Malleus, after all this time, had lit up with delight when he kissed him. This Sapientia deemed worth enough to lend him the wand so he bid her goodbye after inviting her to visit Artem to view his latest creation.

Third was Terra in the heart of the deepest forest, Terra was as wild as nature but as Artem had his vanity, Malleus had his pride and Sapientia had her curiosity, Terra had her unbudging kindness. To say that the war had hit Terra hard would have been an understatement but still to Artem’s surprise what he found shocked him. The heart of the forest had wilted, no flowers or proud trees, no birdsong or baby deer. Artem’s heart bleed when he saw her, she looked as wilted as the forest around her so he told her the truth. As he did Terra agreed to give him her staff and to visit with the others to view his latest creation.

Fourth was Nox in the darkest place of Hyacinto, god of death only wishing to be left alone. But just as Artem had his vanity, Malleus had his pride, Sapientia her curiosity and Terra had her unbudging kindness, Nox had his jealousy. The two gods could not be more different, but Artem did not hesitate to visit his old friend. Artem told Nox of his visits to the other gods but if he wished to be left alone Artem would leave him be. This irked Nox, cause why should he be left out of visits from the beautiful Artem when all his brethren was aloud to enjoy his company. Artem knew of Nox’s jealousy for Malleus so he told him the same thing he told Sapientia. Not wanting to be less then Malleus he offered Artem his cloak and Artem accepted, knowing that Nox was going to do exactly that. What he didn’t know was that, to his shock, Nox kissed him and said he would visit before Artem even asked.

Closing the divine gate

With little time Artem took the gifts from his brethren and forged them in to magical keys to lock the gate he built between the mortal plain and the divine. Malleus’s sword, Sapientia’s book, Terra’s staff, Nox’s cloak and lastly for his own key Artem took his most precious possession, his golden violin.

As they had promised the gods came with all their children to see Artem’s creation. And as they marvelled over it, praising his genius, he closed the gate between the plains. Locking it with the five divine keys he had made. Artem then threw the keys in to Hyacinto so the gods would never find them. Artem explained to the gods what he had done and sent them of to look over their devoted followers in their own part of the divine plain. Artem was tricky but never evil so he had made sure that they could still speak and guide us through their most devoted followers but never laying a hurting hand on us again.

Secondary myths

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