Nox - God of Death, Fate and Travel.

Nox is one of the first gods thats considered the core five. Nox is arguably the darkest of the gods, being considered the god of death. But its sometimes forgotten that he is also the god of fate and travel. Therefore he has a large following in travellers and boatsmen, almost as big as Terra her self.

Nox did not have a direct hand in the creation of humanoids, but had a hand in the creation of our mortality. Why certain spices have longer or shorter lifespans is widely unknown but its speculated that some of the other gods asked for their favourites to live longer or that it was simply for Nox’s own sake.

Nox is often depicted as a tall man with elven likeness, dressed in a long black cloak. Silver hair, silver eyes and pale skin. He is often associated with the silver moon Argentea luna and his cloak the night sky engulfing us. It is said Argentea luna is his window to this world watching over uneasy travellers and when the eternal night comes for us all it is his cloaked embrace that welcomes us home and guides our souls onward. As in all societies it is still debated on where we go, some say we are given to our god of worship. Some say we get eternal rest, some mean Nox has a place for us to go when we die. But the biggest of all these beliefs is that he returns us to Artem to be used agin and given a new life, as a apology for first creating time and there fore mortality resulting in killing Artem's precious creations.

Nox is one of the biggest gods in all of Hyacinto, not for his following but for the nature of his church. Being the god of death his church is the home for almost all burial rites and a temple, big or small, is built in almost every town. The temple themselves don’t hold sermons and his worshipers are often secretive about their private rites and ceremonies running itself more like a convent and less of a open church.

Mythology of Nox

Nox is said to have, at first, not minded the humanoids and found them charming in their own peculiar way. But Nox housed affection for Terra and as the people tore in to her gift he decided to do something about it first one his own but to his dismay Malleus turned him away not letting Nox speak to Artem. So Nox went to Sapientia and asked for her help, Nox knew that Malleus would at least let them in if Sapientia was there. Sapientia agreed that something needed to be done so she went with Nox. And true to his suspicion Malleus let them in this time, although not without some persuasion from Sapientia.

To Nox surprise Artem did not seem to know what his creation was doing while Malleus seamed to be perfectly aware of their wrongdoing. And as Artem waved a nonchalant hand their direction a sliver of jealousy and anger pierced Nox’s heart, anger that Malleus didn’t care and jealousy that he was the one to stand next to Artem. In his anger and jealousy Nox created the passage of time and in his creation mortality. But to his dismay he also became the one responsible for the souls passing on, his actions making him having to see every soul as his own creation of time killed them. And so Nox spent his time, in guilt, caring for every soul that came his way having but only three children Dolus, Solis and Impus.

The Divine War

It is said that the divine war started because of some of the gods and demigods felt jealous of Artems creation but some legends say that it was Artem himself that wade war upon Nox after been driven mad by centuries of watching his creations die. Except that Nox hand in the war is largely undocumented or lost to time. The only thing retold is at the time of Artems visit he was tired from so many losses and was at its wits end on what to do.

The visit from Artem

As Artem came to him he told the other god to leave him alone but Artem told Nox of his visits to the other gods. And that old buried jealousy flared up within him. Not because he didn’t want to be left out but because deep within his heart, despite his affection for Terra, he hid his desire for Artam’s attention. Artem made Nox take a rest, pored them some whine and told him of his latest creation and his visits to the other gods. But Artem seamed to focus on his visit to Malleus which vexed Nox immensely as they both longed for Artem’s attention and did not get along especially well. After hearing of Malleus giving Artem his sword Nox tough he could do better and offered Artem his cloak. And as Artem was about to leave Nox decided to kiss him and told him he would visit Artem.

Closing the divine gate

Nox did as he had said and not long after visited Artem with the other gods. Nox was in awe over Artems creation and praised the other god for his genius but before he knew it Artem closed the divine gate behind them and locket them out from the mortal plain. It is said that Nox was one of the few gods that did not get angry at what Artem had done and instead, to Terra’s horror kissed the mans head and walked away to his own part of the divine plain, happy and now not dealing with so many souls.

Secondary myths

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