Terra – Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and Sea.

Terra is considered one of the first gods and the core five. Terra, unlike her brethren, did not have any part in the creation of humanoids. Terra created the lands, seas and skies of Hyacinto and gifted it to the humanoids to live in. She is said to be as wild and temperamental as the wilderness she created, but also as kind and giving as nature can be.

Terra is credited with the creation of Hyacinto itself and is therefore considered to have the most followers of all the gods, getting her wast number of followers from the common people. Such as farmers, sailors and hunters worshipping her for god harvest, calm seas and hunting luck. Despite her wast following you seldom see any of her temples in bigger cities and if there are any they are almost always outside the city walls. Temples built in honer to Terra is much more seen in smaller societies but commonly built a bit further away, for example if a small town is built at the outskirts of a forest her temple is most likely found after a ten minutes walk into the forest itself.

Terra is often described as a beautiful woman with long wild hair, but her appearance always seems to changes with the seasons. She is often depicted with animal attributes such as animal ears or a tail, sometimes she has horns like a ram and sometimes talons like a bird or hooves like a goat. She’s also often depicted surrounded by wild life such as birds or deer.

Mythology of Terra

Terra first created the lands of Hyacinto when Artem and Malleus created the first humanoids to give the people a place to live. At first she was happy living with the people showing them the world but soon after they started tearing threw the lands and killing its animals, building its citys and destroying the lands. Terra cried for her creations and Nox tried to console her as best he could but Terra was inconsolable and retaliated by creating the dark corners of the world, the deadly jagged mountains and making the sea wild and uncontrolled.

The Divine War

Even though her anger had known no bounds Terra’s involvement in the divine war is not wildly known, some say she wasn’t involved at all. Going as far as denying both sides her aid. Few tales actually talk about somebody coming in contact with Terra during the divine war, except as maybe a whisper in the wind telling a lost hero where to go.

The visit from Artem

Terra was visited by Artem at the depths of the forest. To say that the war had hit her hard would been an understatement, she is described in the old texts as wilted with no flowers or birdsong around her. She is also the only one of the the first gods Artem told his true plans to, and she in turn gave him her staff willingly. For she as wild as she was had been broken and tamed.

Closing the divine gate

Terra walked calmly to Artem, casting one last look upon her creation. She was not in awe or astonished by Artems creation. Instead she stayed close as he shut the divine gate, protecting him from any angry gods. As others argued over or congratulated Artems plan Terra stood as stone not until her once husband kissed the other god did she show emotion, letting part of her divine sense slip trough the gate. Making the sea, the forest and the mountains wild and uncontrolled again.

Secondary myths

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