The war of flowers

A time line of Regione Florum's civil war from 1480 AD to 1500 AD

  • 1480 AD

    5 /3

    The Marching
    Era beginning/end

    The marching, as it is most commonly called, is not seen as the start of the civil war but is often seen as the beginning of the catalyst that will, within a year, become the war of flowers. The poorer people of Civitas Wisteria, as the city was called back then, went marching up the streets and planted themselves right outside the Summer Palace. The protest was against the poor living conditions of the people, after years of neglect by the nobility.

  • 1480 AD

    25 /3

    The attack on the slums
    Disaster / Destruction

    At a small tavern popular with the disappointed youth of the slums a handful of noble guards was ordered to go in and arrest as many of these young people as posible. It is not known if the youth actually was gathered to discus a posable revolution but on this nigh something went very wrong. The youth resisted arrest and a handful of young people was killed in the skirmish and many more was hurt as the attack spreed through the city.

  • 1480 AD

    29 /3

    The divide of Wisteria
    Civil action

    In the days fallowing whispers an uprising started spreading like wild fire tough the slums. In the early hours of the day the gates leading tough the city was barricaded. All of the slaves of the city freed from their masters and poorly paid workers didn’t turn up for work. On the night of this day the main city district and port was split in half and people from both sides rushed to get to one or the other.

  • 1480 AD

    15 /4

    The execution of flower buds
    Disaster / Destruction

    This is where most people says that the civil war truly started. The nobility and the lord of Wisteria had captured thirteen young children and promised to return them to their families if they stood down. But when the families came to collect the children it was instead a very public execution where six of the children where hanged and displayed for the public. Causing an up roar and fighting throughout the city.

  • 1480 AD

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    1481 AD

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    The persecution of the gentry

    Many of the noble families escaped the city but just as many where killed and some where hunted all the way to Rosae Atrio, hiding by the king's side. A few joined the rebellion, whispers where spreading of a man who was a leader for the more organised rebellion efforts and plans of making him the new lord of Civitas Wisteria spread.

  • 1481 AD

    1 /6

    The death of a Aiden Lucens
    Life, Death

    The death of this man is for many a sad story. Even tough he was a noble he was well liked and was known for giving most of his wealth to the people in need during the uprising of the city. It is said that this was the man the rebellion was planing to put on the throne of Civitas Wisteria. But on this day he was found murdered in an upscale entertainment house, his company nowhere to be seen. This shocked the city so much the fighting stoped for a time, but the city stayed divided.

  • 1481 AD

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    1481 AD

    21 /6

    Rise of a courtesan,
    Gathering / Conference

    Things where bad in the city and the rebellion seemed to be loosing. More and more people of the city was murdered or bought in to slavery every day. At the heart of the rebellion occupied parts of the city hundreds of people gathered and discussed a course of action for four days. On the forth day a missing courtesan of the city walked in, bloodied and bruised. And it is said that the people cheered, for Aiden Lucens had not been their leader but his company that disappeared that night, the courtesan, was. This is when the rebellion for the first time announced an official leader but it is said that the courtesan had been leading from the shadows from the very beginning.

  • 1481 AD

    22 /6

    The summer palace falls
    Military: Battle

    The new leader of the rebellion leads it forces in a horrifying display of power up to the summer palace in the heart of Civitas Wisteria. Breaking in to the castle and ending the Lord of wisterias reign over the city and officially for the first time occupies the castle themselves.

  • 1482 AD

    13 /1

    The gift of Magnolias
    Political event

    Magnolia Arbores officially joins the rebellion as the first of the three remaining leaders not involved in the war picking a side between the rebellion and the nobility. Sending both man power and resources to the rebellion controlled Civitas Wisteria and aiding in the occupation of the city.

  • 1483 AD

    27 /4

    The first army’s betrayal
    Military action

    The army had up until now been loyal to the nobility, but on this day the army itself turned against the nobility and took over Edelwiss Custodiunt. Forcing out the nobility out of the city and taking over the military base. This fraction of the army was led at the forefront by none other than the old Lord general de uno armé himself, announcing Edelwiss Custodiunt a army led region.

  • 1483 AD

    27 /5

    The first peace talks
    Diplomatic action

    A month after the army’s betrayal the first peace talks was held in the rolling fields of Rosae. But the talks was fruitless with both sides unwilling to budge or compromise, all four of the regions wanting different things. It is well known that the new leader of Civitas Wisteria refused to even appear at the peace talks, sending emissaries in his place.

  • 1486 AD

    3 /8

    The second peace talks
    Diplomatic action

    The fighting continued for six long years, if mostly by the border between the regions, before another peace meeting was established. This one bearing more fruit succeeding in, maybe not peace, but at least a ceasefire.

  • 1487 AD

    7 /1

    The assassination of Lord de Magnolia and Lord General de uno armé
    Life, Death

    Less than a year later both the Lord de Regional Magnolia and Lord General was assassinated within hours of each other by order of the king in an attempt to regain the regions. The Magnolia Arbores was not as easily overtaken and the Lady Oraculum de Regional Magnolia closed the regions borders with large trees making it almost impossible to travel tough.

  • 1487 AD

    8 /1

    The assassination attempt of a courtesan
    Criminal Activity

    In the early hours of the next day there was a attempt on the new leader of Civitas Wisteria, but the attempt failed and the people up at the early hours swear that they saw the most blinding golden light coming from the castle.

  • 1489 AD

    20 /4

    The fall of Wisteria
    Disaster / Destruction

    On this day the skies above Civitas Wisteria went dark, as four pairs of black wings blocked out the spring sun as four black dragons tore into the city. Destroying most of it and forcing the rebellion to go in to hiding.

  • 1492 AD

    3 /5

    Civitas Venenata Wisteria
    Political event

    The rebel forces were not so easy to get rid of. They named their leader Lord Bastardis de Royal to taunt the king and rebuilt their city focusing on the inner parts, using the tarnished and scorched outer parts as a protective border around the city and learned to use the burned outskirts to their advantage. In petty anger over the city’s unwillingness to stay down the king made the leader’s title official and renamed the city Civitas Venenata Wisteria, or in common City of poisoned Wisteria. It is said that the people of Civitas Venenata Wisteria celebrated for three days because, unavailingly, the king had recognised the new lordships standing.

  • 1492 AD

    30 /10

    De Uno Armé reestablished
    Military action

    A new first army is but in place with a new general loyal to the rebellion and Civitas Venenata Wisteria.

  • 1494 AD

    23 /6

    Death of a dragon
    Military: Battle

    The first and smallest of the four dragons is slain by the first army creating the isles of Casia on the north coast of Regional Florum.

  • 1495 AD

    28 /9

    The death of a mountain Lord
    Life, Death

    The old Lord de Regional Chrysanthemum dies in his castle deep within the mountain leaving the nobility with no active support or recourses from the mountain.

  • 1495 AD

    14 /10

    The Rise of a mountain Lady
    Diplomatic action

    Only thirteen years old the youngest daughter of the former Lord de Regional Chrysanthemum was made in to the new Lady of the mountain. The nobility thinking that the young child would be easy to manipulate, but to their surprise on the same day the child rose to ladyship the mountains turned its back on them and joined the rebellion.

  • 1496 AD

    16 /12

    The battle of Papaver
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the early hours of the day two of the adult dragons descended on to the village of Papaver. It is said that the forces of the rebellion answered the call before the village even knew what was going on but survivors from the village swear that the only on there was the Lord Bastardis himself, and in a heroic display killed one of the dragons himself before the explosion that made the crater that now stands instead of the village.

  • 1497 AD

    19 /2

    The march on Roses
    Military action

    The now united four regions march to the capital, surrounding it from all sides demanding the nobility to lay down their weapons and the King to abdicate.

  • 1497 AD

    24 /2

    The black rose
    Disaster / Destruction

    After days surrounding the capital without seeing any change, Rosae Atrio is engulfed in a dome of darkness. No one getting in or coming out of it, trapping the nobility and thousands living in the city inside. Since then a time of peace has swept over the country even tough a anxious eye is kept on the black dome.

  • 1500 AD

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    Era beginning/end

    Regione Florum has now seen peace for three years and here we now are at the start of the campain and present time.