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Cloaked Mountains

A section of perpetual storm clouds above a specific subset of the western mountain region. The origin of the storm is partially unknown. During one of the battles of the war between angels and demons, a large blast of magic disrupted the air currents above that particular section of the area. Rather than right itself within a few days as other blasts had done, the clouds coalesed around a magical sphere at the center, resulting in a cloud pattern similar to a swirling hurricane. This has continued for the last two hundred years and greatly changed the region itself from what it once was.    At present, the clouds fluctuate in height, sometimes so high as to barely impact the ground and others extremel low and able to obscure vision less than a few feet ahead. This randomness makes navigation extremely difficult. Maps of the previous landscape are ineffective. Flora and fauna in the region have also become warped. While most of the greenery is gone, the ground produces hard, grass like plants that vary between a quarter meter to two meters in height. This is eaten by beings similar to llamas, the main fauna encountered by those brave or foolish enough to explore. No one is certain how they survive the random weather patterns, but some theorize that their armor-like skin is the cause.    The weather itself is the most dangerous part of the area. Lightning storms, heavy rains, molten showers, reverse ice shards, vibrating heat, and other seemingly random precipitation and temperatures define the area. These events cause mass destruction in their more powerful forms and make even regions at the edge of the cloud cover almost uninhabitable. The only people who attempt to live nearby are those studying the phenomenon and they are continuously rebuilding their homes and laboratories after each disaster.

Articles under Cloaked Mountains


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