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The Koristaja are humanoid frogs with distinctive amphibian features. They have webbed fingers and toes, slimy skin that provides moisture retention, and large, expressive eyes. Their coloration can vary, allowing them to blend in with their coastal surroundings.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Koristaja are adept swimmers and can navigate both land and water seamlessly. Their amphibious nature allows them to exploit the rich resources found in both marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Ecology and Habitats

The Koristaja have adapted to the ebb and flow of the tides. Their settlements may be built on stilts or elevated platforms to avoid flooding during high tides, showcasing their ability to harmonize with the dynamic coastal environment.  

Coastal Dwellings:

Koristaja build their homes from salvaged wood and materials obtained from shipwrecks along the coast. Their dwellings appear ramshackle at first glance but are ingeniously constructed to withstand both the coastal environment and potential predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Given their coastal habitat, the Koristaja primarily rely on a diet of seafood. They are skilled fishermen, hunters, and gatherers, making use of the abundant marine life in their vicinity. Their diet might include fish, crustaceans, and various edible plants found along the coast.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Koristaja communities are close-knit, with a communal approach to resource sharing and survival. Leadership roles are based on experience, wisdom, and skills in resource management.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Koristaja have cultural rituals and traditions tied to the tides, moon phases, and the changing seasons. These practices involve communal gatherings, storytelling, and celebrations marking successful resource harvests.  

Resource Harvesting:

The Koristaja have developed a sustainable lifestyle by harvesting wood and timber from shipwrecks that wash ashore. They are skilled salvagers, repurposing materials to build shelters, tools, and various implements necessary for their daily lives.  

Scavenging from Shipwrecks:

In addition to salvaging wood, the Koristaja scrounge armor, weapons, and other valuable items from shipwrecks and the remains of unfortunate sailors. These salvaged items become an integral part of their culture and are often repurposed for both practical and ornamental purposes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Koristaja have a wary but pragmatic relationship with other coastal inhabitants, traders, or explorers. Their ability to scavenge and adapt makes them resourceful, but they tend to be protective of their coastal territory.
A Koristaja

Cover image: Seaside Hut Header by Appy Pie Design


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