Li Wei Shen Character in hydoilia | World Anvil
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Li Wei Shen

Li Wei Shen (a.k.a. The Mad Man)

Li Wei Shen is a middle-aged man of average height with a lean, wiry build. His hair is pulled back into a tight knot, revealing a focused expression on his face. His attire is a mix of traditional Chinese robes and practical engineering gear. Li Wei carries a versatile mechanical staff, adorned with intricate engravings and small, moving gears. Around his waist, he has a belt with various alchemical tools and pouches.   Having been marooned on the island for years, he has gone slightly crazy, building a number of automatons and talking to them as though they were real people.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Martial Arts Expertise: Trained in both magical and martial arts, Li Wei is a formidable combatant, seamlessly blending spellcasting with traditional martial techniques.
Alchemy and Enchantment: Li Wei carries an array of alchemical substances and enchanted tools, allowing him to provide support to his allies and manipulate magical energies.
Artificer Infusions: Li Wei has infused his gear with magical enhancements, providing him with resilience and versatility in various situations.

Specialized Equipment

Battle Smith Features: Li Wei is proficient in martial combat, wielding a magical staff that doubles as a powerful weapon. His mechanical companion, a loyal metal humanoid automaton, named Qilin, fights by his side.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a family of skilled engineers and artisans in a bustling Human city, Li Wei Shen displayed an early affinity for combining traditional craftsmanship with magical principles. His family recognized his potential and sent him to study at a renowned academy of artifice and enchantment. Under the guidance of master artisans and scholars, Li Wei honed his skills, eventually specializing in the creation of magical constructs.   In time, Li Wei became known for his ability to fuse the elegance of traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge magical innovations. He crafted enchanted automatons that mirrored the movements of traditional martial arts, earning him respect and recognition among both magical and non-magical communities.   Now a master Artificer, Li Wei Shen traveled the realms, seeking ancient artifacts and knowledge to further enhance his creations. Unfortunately, he has been stuck on the island for several years now, which has resulted in him going slightly mad. His latest invention is a legendary guardian construct, imbued with the spirit of a revered martial artist from Chinese folklore.

Mental Trauma

Solitude and loneliness have taken their toll on Lie Wei, resulting in him talking to his constructs as though they were real people, even having entire conversations with the otherwise silent machines.
Li Wei Shen by Appy Pie Design
Li Wei Shen in his hidden workshop.
Current Status
Building an airship to get off the island
Current Residence
A hidden camp
Character Prototype
Methodical and Disciplined: Li Wei approaches his craft with precision and discipline, always adhering to a strict methodology in his inventions.
Respects Tradition: While an innovator, he deeply respects traditional values and incorporates elements of ancient Chinese craftsmanship into his creations.
Silent Determination: Li Wei speaks little but communicates volumes through actions, harboring a quiet determination to achieve his goals.

Cover image: Workshop Header by Appy Pie Design


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