Tusker Species in Hyr [The Forbidden Isles] | World Anvil
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The largest animal in the Forbidden Isles, dwarfing even the extinct giants in bulk (though not height), the tuskers are a majestic creature unfortunately limited to a fraction of their former territory by over exploitation under Olm. Now, the vast majority of their population, wild or otherwise, exists in the territories of The Vulgar Empire, where they are often harvested as beasts of burden or war beasts, or simply for display.  
by Mauricio Anton
  A lone tusker bull roams the woodland in search of a mate. Credit goes to Mauricio Anton.   Larger relatives of the shoveltooths, they are terrestrial animals that feed primarily on leaves from trees, though won’t hesitate to eat some grass or shrub as well when given the chance. They are nomadic animals, being found across a variety of habitats, though preferring open woodland. Tuskers tend to live in herds of varying sizes led by a matriarch, with ranks among adult females being determined primarily by age and therefore size. Males, in contrast are quite solitary, or at most organise as small bachelor gangs, led by the strongest individual, known in Vulgar as the 'Votz' and in Phurzia as the 'Overman'.   They possess four similar sized tusks which are used to great effect. In reality, the upper pair are longer than the lower pair, but due to starting higher up on the skull, they appear about the same length from a distance. In terms of use, they can be used offensively between males or for practical purposes such as scraping bark, digging for bulbs or to defend from predators. The trunk is long and used to pluck vegetation, though is also very sensitive and can be used to communicate. They are often quite aggressive towards humans, having grown to resent them as predators. They lack this type of general hostility to the centaurs and Vrain, due to the more recent arrival of the former and undiscernability of the latter. Interestingly, while Yamachai can be recognised by the beasts, the human resentment is still reflected on that race too.

Basic Information


Having long pillar like legs, tuskers move relatively slowly compared to horses or murks, but nevertheless can move quickly in short bursts to charge at threats or escape natural disasters. This deceptive advantage can take inexperienced hunters by surprise. The highly aggressive males are especially dangerous when spooked. Their muscular ears allow them to keep cool and to regulate their temperature, and their iconic trunk is almost like an arm in its manipulative abilities. As fearsome and formidable herbivores, it is small wonder they are worshipped by some of the Jazyart tribes and other primitive peoples across the Isles, and the Vulgar god of strength Svargast derived from them.   Their build is very bulky overall, far more so than the neighbouring animals such as horses, aurochs and camels, meaning predators like scythebeasts and wolves do not dare attack adults. Juveniles, however are far smaller when first born, and so can fall prey to coordinated attacks. Most possess grey skin, though individuals with black and pink skin are common in the more forested parts of Vulgar lands. Rare albino and melanistic individuals can exist as well.

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to their size, it takes them over two years to bring a baby to term. This means they are as big as calves even when first born, but it renders their population slow to grow and easy to destroy. This is likely why they are so rare across the Isles, and it would seem it is only due to religious veneration that they are even doing as well as this.

Ecology and Habitats

Found in a variety of habitats, but prefers open woodland and prairies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Matriarchal, with solitary bulls.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Primarily used by the Vulgar, but sometimes by others, their main anthropological uses are for ceremonial purposes, logistics or combat. The former is often why they are found in the menageries of the rich and powerful. Females tend to be used more in logistics than in war due to their less aggressive temperament and lower fear levels. Male tuskers are typically equipped with steel plate armour as well as   Due to their size, they are not easily stopped by spear formations, and can typically trample their opponents or gore them with tusks. Unfamiliar horses and even murks can panic around the presence of these beasts, giving them a fear factor when fighting. However, trained or blinded horses can look past this and continue to fight, and their size makes them an easy target for artillery. Nor are they the largest beasts that can be used in war.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Formerly found throughout Tzunar and allegedly with dwarf forms in Harstone and Sandur, most of the current population is found in the north-eastern lands, though pockets exist in the Jazyart sea and in the eastern Governates of the Dominion.

Average Intelligence

Very intelligent among the non-sapients, surpassing pigs and even many monkeys in cognitive abilities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a result of being large and powerful animals, their sense of hearing covers virtually all of the human range, as well as much lower, as they communicate frequently with noises too deep for human or centaur ears. They also possess a powerful sense of smell due to their trunk, and sensitive touch as well.
Scientific Name
Stegotetrabelodon tzunariensis
Conservation Status
Found mainly in the open woodlands of north-east @Tzunar, though smaller populations are found scattered across the Forbidden Isles. Outside of Vulgar, herds tend to be small and scarce, though in the Empire, they can reach as large as fifty adults and over a couple of dozen juveniles.
Average Height
3.5-4m at the shoulder for males. 2.7-3.3m at the shoulder for females.
Average Weight
Males; 8-12 tonnes. Females; 5-8 tonnes.
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies, though grey with a pale pink underbelly is the most common.

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Cover image: by Mauricio Anton


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