Hyrule Timeless

A setting based on Legend of Zelda's setting, the land of Hyrule.   Countless misadventures and catastrophes disrupting the flow of time and the course of history once riddled the world with a multitude of broken and open-ended timelines. Some idyllic, prosperous worlds where the works of heroes defined golden ages of wonder and fulfillment, others barren and unlivable- doomed hellscapes where the worst that could happen, did.   Eventually time became so warped and broken that the world itself began to unravel at its seams, and it seemed that all might be lost. In an effort to rescue their beloved creation from total oblivion, the highest of all beings, the Great Goddesses, intervened. They seized the writhing and scattered ends of a thousand threads of time, and raveled them together into a single tapestry.   Hyrule Timeless.   No mortals live who remember the efforts of the Goddesses to salvage the countless broken Hyrules. Finally able to rest after achieving stability for the first time since the cycle of calamity first began, the Goddesses resolved never to allow the possibility of such chaos again. They reigned in the timestream under strict rules that would never be broken to ensure the safety of the now unified historical pathway. The first. Alteration of time in any way would be made impossible. A new inviolable embargo on changing the past or diverging from history's course in any way.   The second. Wishes would be limited. By blessing of the gods, by magic, or by any other means, any being's wishes, before being granted, would have to go through the highest authority first.   The third. The cycle of calamity would end. For millennia, three souls lingered in Hyrule in a cycle of war and turmoil. The soul of the Goddess, the Soul of Destruction, and the Soul of the Hero. These three suffered a curse unending that linked them together, bound to a perpetual conflict that ravaged the land again and again, and rent the course of history repeatedly asunder.   To save the rest of their creation, The Goddesses were forced to pluck these individuals from their doom, and separate them forever. The Soul of Destruction was permitted to rejoin the ranks of the gods as the dark being Demise. The Soul of the Goddess was restored to the heavens, never to be reincarnated into mortal form again. And the Soul of the Hero was given the boon it had always craved. It was left in Hyrule to retire in peace. The opportunity to live a thousand contented lifetimes that had cruelly been stripped from it by fate.   And so it was that Hyrule lived on. Without the chaos and havoc of the cycle of calamity, without the devastation of an unravelling timeline, but also without the hero it had always relied on whenever the sky grew dark.   It is time for Hyrule to create its own heroes, but they must be prepared, there will be no more second chances.