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Loot from 10/30 Session

General Summary

Loot from 10/30 Session:   scroll (spider climb) (3), scroll (glitterdust), scroll (invisibility), scroll (hideous laughter), scroll (protection from good), scroll (true strike), scroll (obscuring mist), potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of fly, chain, spiked +1, amulet of mighty fists +1, ring of protection +1, deliquescent gloves, cloak of resistance +1, boots of striding and springing, wand (call lightning/druid/5th - 10 charges), Elemental Gem (Air) scroll case Chain Shirt +2   3,423 gp (Knowledge (Local) DC 13 to determine they are coins from Underdark trade)   4 diamonds worth 250 gp each   3 Screaming Bolts   4 doses Drow Poison   6 Rapiers (Masterwork) 6 Hand Crossbows (Masterwork) 1 Hand Crossbow +1 6 Bucklers (Masterwork)   10 +1 Hand Crossbow bolts x3   4 Potions Cure Light Wounds 4 Potions Cure Moderate Wounds   Efficient quiver   3 suits (Med) Leather Armor 3 suits Hide Armor 3 Suits Lamellar Armor 2 (Large) suits of Mountain Pattern Armor (Antique worth 1000 gp each to a Metropolitan area dealer of antiquities and curiosities 1 Chain Shirt +1   Mundane weapons, armor and & Goods: 1 ton worth 500 gp (Cargo) Ledgers, Journals and Maps (See Lore and Notes)   1 UNIDENTIFIED TOME*   *see GM
Report Date
01 Nov 2023

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