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Armament Hunters

When king Richard II took final control of the lands and institued his charter to keep Armament usage at a minimum he needed some way to keep reaching out into the land even while he remained on the throne. To this end he enlisted the hlep of willing recruits and portions of his honor guard to form the Armament Hunters. As their name suggests these individuals go out into the world and try to hunt down any weapons that might have been intially missed or any individuals who might be still be hiding their own Armaments.   These individuals go through a rigorous training process with several of the King's generals and guards. They learn all the appropritate signs to look for, and actions and safety measures that need to be taken when encountering one of these weapons. They learn how to defuse situations and keep the civilians from harm. Of course their loyalty is often questioned as well. Why chance someone running off when they get one of your special weapons.   On that note most armament hunters travel in units. Small groups of 4 or 5 who's leader is given an armament of their own to only be used when needed. Still only lesser types but still strong enough to make a difference. The most honored and trusted individuals in the Hunters can become guards of the vault where the King keeps all of the highly valued Armaments. These individuals are also given their own Weapons, odd ones that still won't break the world, but will throw a normal person faaar into a loop for sure. Damaging of the senses, illusions and more.   It's said that some of the King's old honor guard travel around like the Hunters, but by themselves, and I wouldn't doubt it. Half of them were known as such restless wanderers and weirdos even in their day. I wouldn't envy the person who had the misfortune of being discovered by one of them.

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Aug 11, 2024 03:28 by Marjorie Ariel

Interesting twist on the prompt, that this group goes looking for armaments. There seems to be some implication that these aren't just ordinary weapons, but somehting more dangerous? I think your article might benefit from a little more detail in that regard--maybe some examples listed in the sidebar, or an aloud about the hunters finding one.