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Domitor Castle

King Edward II's home base of operations. A towering citadel with numerous defenses and a large wall circling around it is considered one of the safest places in the realm. There are always troops monitoring the upper walls of the castle with tight knit timing of postings so that all is covered at any time. Several ballistas and catapults, and even regular patrols in the town as well.   Making trouble inside the city inside the walls is also the worst idea. There's also always the chance that one of the Armament Hunter squads has chosen now to go on a vacation to a pub or worse one of the King's honor guard decided now would be a good time to come back to the castle for a while and you'll be in a dungeon, on your ass, or dead depending faster than you can probably blink.   The castle itself has an almost mazelike structure that requires a blueprint or expert knowledge of the interior to find any specific room you might want to steal from. The guards inside are even better trained than the ones outside, and the King himself is no pushover himself, so assassins be warned. The castle contains the Great Vault where the King keeps all of the confiscated Armaments of power as well. Would be a fantastic haul for a thief but also hopefully proves a stupid idea more and more as you read.   Due to the relative safety for a normal person the castle and city are almost constantly dealing with an influx of new movers and refugees to the point where the city is mostly full and there are camps outside waiting and hoping for an opening in a dwelling. They are never chased off and there's a waiting list for sure, but they are trying to build more as well. Say what you will about the King, but he is trying to make a safe place for as many people as he can.

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