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Healing Armaments

Of the many types of Armaments most are regretably dedicated to chopping off limbs, or ending lives. Heck even the ones that buff your abilities or the strngths of other people or objects are mostly used for protection, or making things sharper for the before mentioned chopping of limbs. There do exist Armaments dedicated entirely for healing but they are few and far between.   I have seen several throughout my travels and most deal with small things, or passing sicknesses. There was a belt that could help you stay robust and healthy in the worst of colds, gloves that would rub off minor abrasions and scratches like they were never there, and a scarf that when put over your nose and mouth would truly filter out gases and poisons from entering your body; from anywhere at that.   As for major healings the Church's Staff of the Saint has been noted as being able to heal lost limbs, cure blindness or other loss of senses, and possibly even bring back those who had passed a short period ago, though that last one has only ever happened once. There was a set of armor once that would heal you just as fast as you could take damage. Swords going through the body and the wound knitting behind the blade as it cut. Heads would never fall and limbs stayed firmly planted where they were. Arrows would be pushed out of wounds as they healed. The only problem being that if you weren't taking constant damage your body would eventually start healing itself when it didn't need to causing all sorts of...nasty complications.   Makes one wonder why their are so few healing items when they should be needed just as much as the weapons, but maybe if Armaments do run on legends or history there's just so many more that develop from deeds in war, fighting villains, and rescuing people from monsters, and just not enough of people saving those left on a battlefield, or those back in a tent helping the sick and wounded.

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