Of Armaments and Charters Document in I Have no Idea Yet | World Anvil
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Of Armaments and Charters

Armaments of Power have existed for as long as we can remember. Weapons of great power that can enhance the strength of mortal men, or change the environment as they swing. Earthshaking maces, wind cutting scimitars and more. People wielded these without descrimination and did their usual thing of causing wars and raiding villages. These weapons were so great though they could alter the environment as well causing wide swaths of land uninhapitable by anyone. But we should never forget there were heroes too.   King Edward II and his entourage of great warriors and confidants used their overwhelming strength and weapons of their own to cull the roaming bands of bandits and warlords and when they took control of the whole region, they created a set of laws to stop the advance of the chaos. All Users of Armaments must submit themselves to the King. From there their weapon's Threat of Alteration will be evaluated and if the weapon is deemed threatless or small the person will be sent back to where they came. If it's too high the weapon will be taken and coinfined or the person can be instituted into the Armament Hunters; the King's own force of people who wander and police the lands. They do exactly what it says on the tin. They make sure there are no un documented Armaments and any dangerous ones or people get brought in line. Many of the King's old guard have joined in on the group as well much to the dismay of those who want to cause trouble, and sometimes those who don't   Ever since then the fighting has mostly stopped. Whether it's because of the success of the process or people are just being quieter about it who knows, but it is better than before.

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